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2011/05/16 13:29:33

ASUZ - Automated control systems for buildings (Automation of buildings, Intellectual building) (Automation of buildings, Intellectual building)

It is difficult to revaluate relevance for the Russian market of the Automation of Buildings direction. Use of the concept "intellectual building" (IB) allows to reach due to complex integration saving 10-15% in comparison with the separate systems. Energy consumption, waters, gas, heat is reduced approximately by 30%. Respectively, emissions in the environment and costs for their utilization decrease. In turn, application of modern energy-saving technologies allows to reduce the brought capacities and resources, so, gives the chance to apply cheaper communications. So, for example, calculations show that even at the Russian electricity rates installation of the ventilation and air conditioning system with recuperation of heat in ofisno – a housing complex of the average sizes allows to save on the electric power up to several thousand dollars a year. At the same time, equipment expenses pay off approximately in half a year. The operation cost of "the intellectual building" for its lifecycle is significantly lower, than at traditional solutions. The market automation of buildings develops on a joint of construction, information technologies, resource-saving, Smart Grid networks and electric vehicles.

It is much more reliable than an investment to "intellectual building" (IB) in comparison with traditional equipment of buildings because application of the concept of "the intellectual building" does steadier and long-lasting all systems thanks to optimization of communications between them. It, in turn, removes the possible conflicts between systems, increases service life of all building, reducing risk for investors of the project.

Implementation of the innovative energy efficient technologies in construction and retrofitting of buildings is one of priorities of the Government. Federal law No. 261 "About energy saving and about increase in power efficiency and about making changes in separate legal acts of the Russian Federation" of November 23, 2009 defines the following direction of development: the energy efficiency of buildings should increase. And it can be reached using modern automation systems and scheduling. Professionals agree with it: "it is the most effective to save energy not due to increase in a heat-shielding of enclosing structures, and due to automation and intellectualization of the systems of heatconsumption and a klimatization of buildings, use of a non-traditional power engineering and secondary energy resources".

Also the design approach of buildings changes. For example, at the disposal of the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow V.I. Resin of April 14, 2010 N 25-RZM "About measures for development of energy-saving technologies on the basis of use of the automated control systems of internal lighting (ACSIL)" directly is specified that the Moscow Committee for Architecture and Urban Development should not approve and approve design assignments of the standard buildings and constructions by the city order which are not providing development of the subsection "Automated Control Systems for Internal Lighting (ACSIL)". And the Moscow Committee for Pricing Policy in Construction and State Project Inspection should not issue the positive conclusions on the project documentation on the objects which are under construction at the expense of budget funds of the city of Moscow without development of the subsection "ASUVO" and without application of LED house pointers in the section Electric lighting. Similar requirements can soon concern also other engineering systems.

Hard crisis times passed and the construction industry revives in all directions. Interest in the modern technical systems of buildings and houses grows. It is expected that in 25% projectible and multifunction complexes under construction technologies of "the intellectual building" will be used. Also increase in growth rates in low and country construction is expected, then development and the main sector of housing and public utilities - apartment houses will follow.

For example, it is recently constructed large by IFC "the Legend Color" in Moscow which corresponds to the concept of IZ; in Yekaterinburg BC Vensky dom will become the first IZ in the city; in St. Petersburg in Lomonosovsky district construction energy efficient IFC with a capacity of constructions about 1 billion rubles is begun, and in the southwest of St. Petersburg the IFC "Baltic pearl" is designed grandiose. LDC Campus in the city of Troitsk will equip with a system the "smart" house, construction of LDC "Wellhouse on Dubrovka" which represents two body of a business class on 827 apartments using elements of the "smart" house was resumed. And the cottage settlement Smolny of the Nevsky construction company on 188 households in 15 km from St. Petersburg with the systems of the "smart" house is even recognized by the best developer project of 2010.

It is easy to see advantages of use of the automated control systems for buildings (ACSB) on examples. The video surveillance system increases security of the building, both for business, and for workers. The system of protection against leakages results in smaller risk of accidents. Automation of the ventilation and air conditioning system - to bigger comfort, especially at adverse weather conditions. Management of lighting allows to save resources. Each engineering system is responsible for certain functions and provides more effective use of all communications of the building. Consolidation of management of these systems will lead to manifestation of synergy - to increase of efficiency of activity as a result of connection, integration, merges of separate parts in a uniform complex due to system effect with simultaneous increase in security, improvement of comfort and big resource-saving. Besides, costs for creation of such system decrease: it becomes more powerful, and costs less, than ten separate management systems.

The implementation cost of ASUZ begins from 1% of cost of the building. For example, was "spent" for automatic equipment of the skating center in Krylatskoye for providing the main engineering systems of the Palace with a management system and control without which it could not function at the modern level so much. Simple formula 100-10-1 where it is 100 the cost of "box" as a percentage helps to estimate costs, is 10 the cost of the systems of engineering and life support, and 1 cost of all automatic equipment. Certainly, this approximate ratio, but it allows to understand simple pattern that at increase in the building of an engineering component inevitably it is necessary to provide additional expenses on ASUZ. It is worth noticing also that the level of relative costs for automatic equipment decreases with increase in the area of the building or the house. But from here the output does not follow that ASUZ are reasonable only for "the intellectual building". Everything depends on the concept selected by the customer.

Return of investments - the most important point at making decision on automation of the building. For responsible projects when use of technology of the smart home is obligatory, it is not always correct to estimate only payback. In all other cases it is necessary to carry out calculations first of all. Now, taking into account the cost of resources and labor power the average term of payback of "smart" solutions makes 5-7 years. However, there are offers and on shorter terms, for example, 1-3 years. Parameter of efficiency of investments as a percentage annual will be the most acceptable for the investor that will allow to estimate whether it is worth making investments in "the intellectual building" or it is possible to manage construction of the normal building. For its calculation it is necessary to estimate all amount of economy of energy resources, labor costs of personnel and component parts on service of the engineering systems of the building which is provided to ASUZ at operation for the period, bigger a payback period, to subtract expenses on development and creation of ASUZ and to lead to relative annual interest rates, division on the number of years and the total cost of ASUZ. An indicator of 10-20% it is possible to be considered as an average.

In the real estate it is also important to be aware of relevant trends and to follow them. So, for example, a trend of ASUZ for the private real estate – delivery of almost ready-made solutions "from a box" and the active offer of complete solutions the house-keeper – a class. Significant increase in demand for systems with local automatic equipment for the different functions convenient and profitable to users is expected. Also the competition will contribute to market development. The European and Chinese companies, understanding prospects and capacity of a segment of the Russian "smart" construction, begin the active promotion. And, it more concerns medium-sized companies, large global manufacturers are presented at the domestic market for a long time. Important, as the Russian companies offer the new developments: so far there is not a lot of innovation, but all of them are technically interesting and commercially perspective not only for Russia and the CIS.

It is possible to consider a modern trend and increase in interest in "green" and energy efficient buildings. In the world experience of construction, certification and operation of such buildings is already accumulated. It is obvious that only in a complex with the systems of automatic equipment and management, such projects become reasonable. The Russian experience is more modest, but even the first domestic projects draw special attention of the western investors. Construction of facilities for the forthcoming XXVII World summer Universiade of 2013 in Kazan, the XXII Olympic winter Games of 2014 in Sochi and the FIFA World Cup of 2018 also promotes implementation of eco-friendly and modern technical solutions. In Russia Council for ecological building already works and development of the state regulating documents which will support requirements of need of complex development of Hi-Tech-eco-friendly construction is expected. Such projects and also advantages of use of the innovative technologies on sporting venues and infrastructure facilities, will be discussed at the international forum "The Innovative Technologies for Sporting Venues" which will take place in Moscow (President-Hotel) on November 7. The state strategy of construction and equipping of sporting venues and also questions of heritage of large sporting events will also become primary subjects of the Forum.

Low construction with assistance of RZhS Funds and Assistance to reforming of housing and public utilities received pilot projects of smart houses in a number of regions. In Kazan, the Rostov and Chelyabinsk regions, Barnaul, Belgorod, Yakutsk, Tomsk, Ufa, Kaluga such houses are already accepted in operation. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen they are under construction. All these projects should not only validate the selected solutions, but also give a new impulse to development of the industry in general. It is interesting to note that the most part of the innovation equipment used in these projects, domestic production.

And practically all foreign global manufacturers, such as Beckhoff, Delta Controls, Johnson Controls, LG Electronics, Sauter, Siemens, Wago and many others, not only are well provided, but also are interested in the Russian market of automation of buildings. The largest integrators and the engineering companies, such as Armo-group, Croc, Uniservice, Edvans, are ready to the solution of the most difficult projects using the equipment practically of any brand. It is worth noticing that lately practical interest in automation of buildings significantly increased not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in regions. It means that requirements of customers change, and, above all their understanding of prospects of investments and need to build at the most modern level grows to correspond to market requests. There is a practical need, first of all, in restriction of the brought capacities and consumption of electricity, in economy of resources: on lighting, heating, in complex use of thermal pumps and solar batteries in the most different buildings. To replace approach "the smart house – expensive toy" comes understanding, especially middle class of house owners, expediency and reality of implementation of the ASUZ systems under their specific requirements, including also available solutions at cost.

Standard technology platforms (technologies of the automated control systems for buildings (ACSB) in the world three: KNX, LonWorks and BACnet. The greatest success in our market was achieved by KNX technology therefore on international contest in 2010 two Russian companies received the first places "Projects of the Russian companies got prestigious European awards".

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