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Developers: Hoyos Group
Technology: Cybersecurity - Biometric identification

EyeLock, according to the statement of the producer, this first and unique portable device for scanning of an iris of the eye of an eye intended for normal consumers.

EyeLock allows to use the individual and unique drawing of an iris of the eye of a human eye for access to the personal data stored in the Internet so need for logins and passwords just disappears. The scanner is quite compact USB device. After the user sets on the computer corresponding to software and also will decide on where for access to use EyeLock, it will be necessary just to take the scanner opposite to an eye. Schitav the drawing of an iris, EyeLock will automatically permit an input in the specified systems - Facebook, Gmail, PayPal or any other.

According to the producer, this technology considerably increases security and eliminates a possibility of fraud. Hoyos does not report exact date of release of EyeLock yet, but the price of this device is already known - it will make 99 dollars.