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The Galaktika ERP system at the Tolyatti state university

Customers: Tolyatti State University (TSU)

Product: Galaktika ERP

Project date: 2011/03

The Galaktika ERP system is implemented in the largest state university of Togliatti – the Tolyatti State University (TSU). Implementation was performed by the official partner of Galaktika corporation – Sistemy Upravleniya Businessom LLC.

At the time of the beginning of works on automation in TGU the Linux operating system at which the web portal of the university and a part of business applications therefore purchase of other operating system was not planned worked was used. The task consisted in creation of the uniform automated control system for university based on Linux instead of the separate applications which are used at the university for the purpose of cost reduction on their maintenance and service. Besides the management of the university was going to save a binding to the Linux system also at the subsequent transfer of the portal on more powerful server.

In a short time (the project started in September, 2010) circuits of logistics, management of finance were implemented, personnel managements and agreements, are completely automated the main business processes of university.

Now a system is operated in the following program environment: The DB server – Linux OS (Fedora 7 distribution kit) + Oracle + Samba 3.0.28; client jobs are Windows XP, Windows 7.

System implementation the Galaktika ERP at the Tolyatti state university is one more successful project of Galaktika using the DB server under control of the Linux family. Today UNIX-LIKE operating systems are widely used at most the largest enterprises where use of a large number of computers with long lifecycle, flexible centralized operation and the minimum costs both on hardware, and on the software is necessary.

"The project of automation developed in TGU enough in high gear as academic year was in full swing, – Alexey Tveretin, the associate director on implementation of Sistemy Upravleniya Businessom LLC comments. – Today in a system about 30 people at the same time work, by the end of the year this digit will grow to 70. On a closing stage there is implementation of the module the salary. Implementation of modules of a receiving campaign and accounting begins".