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Implementation of EMC Documentum in Moscow Heat Distribution Company comes to the end

Customers: Moscow Heat Distribution Company (MHDC)

Moscow; Power

Contractors: I-Teco (iTeco)
Product: Documentum

Project date: 2011/04  - 2012/10

The I-Teco company announced in May, 2011 the beginning of the project on implementation of the automated control system for document flow (ACSDF) based on EMC Documentum in Moscow Heat Distribution Company. Creation of a single corporate platform of management of unstructured information will become its result. The solution will allow to automate and to considerably accelerate practically all documentary processes of the customer.

The project became continuation of works of specialists of I-Teco company in comprehensive examination of document flow and IT infrastructure of MTK. In its framework the deep analysis of the business processes connected with the circulation of documents, management processes in the company and the hardware at the main office of the customer, in construction management and in operational points of the enterprise was carried out – all more than 20 structural divisions were covered. Examination was conducted during the period from November 15, 2010 to February 11, 2011.

Its results showed that the electronic document management system (EDMS) existing in the company covers only limited number of divisions and has no sufficient functionality satisfying with everything to requirements of the company. In the organization paper document flow prevails, the majority of transactions is made manually, and all process on preparation, to approval and document storage takes too much time.

"During upgrade of IT processes of our geographically distributed company the decision on implementation of a single reliable system which will ensure functioning of all great number of the employees participating in work with documents and storage of large volumes of documentation was made. At the same time a system will have ample opportunities on integration with our internal existing and implemented applications", – the deputy chief engineer for information technologies of MTK Leonid Golovin explains.

According to him, the plans of the company are workflow automation not only in the organization, but also with partners – contract organizations. According to requirements of the city and federal government of MTK already began gradation on electronic interaction with partners (consumers of services, contractors, the project organizations, the organizations of city housing and public utilities) for all documents according to which it is possible within the current legislation and law-enforcement practice. "Last year the single window on technology accessions is already implemented, and in the 2011th the electronic marketplace is started. These systems allowed to reduce significantly the volume of "paper" interaction with partners, excluded queues before department of technical accessions and competitive department, – Leonid Golovin pays attention. – A new system will give a single platform for expansion of this practice that will positively affect both terms of approval of project and allowing documentation, and efficiency of all organization in general".

Limited temporary resources and high requirements to systems capabilities dictated absolutely accurate selection terms of the external contractor. According to the results of tender the I-Teco company having a highly skilled command and a solid project portfolio on implementation large-scale EDMS became it. Consultants of integrator on the basis of results of inspection, business needs, opportunities of infrastructure and perspectives of development developed several scenarios of creation of a system. For creation of ASUD the EMC Documentum platform ensuring functioning more than one hundred users with step-by-step expansion to one thousand, an opportunity for work with hundreds of thousands of documents, a broad spectrum of basic functionality was selected. Use of technologies of virtualization will allow to increase the level of reliability of EDMS. Special attention at implementing solution will be paid to security issues and data protection. It is going to complete the project by the end of 2011.

"Half a year is very deadlines for implementation of systems such. Stand them and carry out all works at the high level we will be allowed by wide practical experience and own practices of I-Teco company, the attentive and interested relation to the project from the customer and a powerful software platform of the solution", – Gennady Proskurin, the manager of projects of I-Teco company emphasizes.

Project completion

The company integrator announced on October 12, 2012 project completion on optimization of document flow in Moscow Heat Distribution Company (JSC MTK).

The solution will allow MTK to manage flexibly document flow, to reduce the general time of document handling, minimizing risk of loss, to provide to employees online access to necessary data.


ASUD is integrated with systems personnel and accounting, a corporate directory service and e-mail of the company and also with the EMC Captiva platform intended for stream input and recognition of electronic images of documents.

By this moment over 40 thousand documents of a different type from which 3 thousand are created by users are transferred to ASUD or are imported online from other corporate systems in the first month of trial operation of the solution.

"For workflow automation we approached the choice of the platform very responsibly and seriously. The working group consisting of the management of department of documentary providing, the chief accountant, planning and legal department, service IT was created. Within the conducted examination according to requirements of MTK of consideration five platforms with the weighed analysis of their functionality, a usability, productivities were offered, to integrability and the cost of ownership for five years. At the moment possibilities of the implemented solution were even wider than current demands therefore at input in commercial operation the plan of step-by-step scaling of use of the solution was created", – Leonid Golovin, the deputy chief engineer for IT of JSC Moscow Heat Distribution Company told.
"The I-Teco company has experience of implementation of the ASUD systems and locates all necessary competences and resources for project implementation, similar completed in Moscow Heat Distribution Company. Forces of our specialists provide the strong base for successful transition of the organization to completely paperless document flow in the future", – Evgeny Radashkevich, the director of the department of corporate systems of I-Teco company noted.