Customers: Stamm Office equipment and office accessories Contractors: IT Scan Product: Proxima WarehouseProject date: 2009/12
Number of licenses: 15
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About the enterprise
STAMM company is the leading Russian manufacturer of stationery from plastic and offers more than 300 names of clerical products for kindergartens, schools, higher education institutions and offices. The strategy of the company is directed to quality improvement of the produced goods and permanent expansion of their range that is impossible without permanent updating and expansion of production base.
The increased operating capacity pressed reaching the new level of automation of warehouse economy of the enterprise. The company management made the decision on automation of the complex of finished goods consisting of three warehouses with very high turnover. Support of work of radio terminal equipment and management of placement of products in a warehouse (on expiration dates, seriality, a partionnost) was an indispensable condition of system implementation.
Implementation of WMS (Warehouse Management System) was intended to satisfy the need for complete and timely information about goods, to provide the sufficient speed of accomplishment of warehouse transactions, to organize a control system of personnel and to obtain data for reasonable motivation of employees. WMS of a finished goods warehouse with an intensive goods turnover should perform the automated acceptance of products from production with automatic entering of information on loads in a system, quality control of finished goods and to give an opportunity of maintaining different methods of the organization of storage. But the most important task which should be solved by means of the Warehouse management system is an elimination of regrading and wrong transactions at acceptance/shipment of goods. Besides, logistic design and implementation of WMS would allow to use more effectively the areas of a warehouse complex of finished goods. It should be noted that one of warehouses represents a canopy therefore in the winter the equipment works in extremely adverse conditions. Proceeding from it, future supplier of WMS was faced by a task: due to use of modern technologies to find the solution and to pick up the equipment which will be able to work uninterruptedly at subzero temperatures.
Solution and achievements
Carrying out monitoring of the IT companies delivering the WMS systems, management STAMMA, first of all, considered the implemented projects in similar areas. Also the customer visited a number of large enterprises where he examined work of already implemented warehouse control systems. The Saratov enterprise stopped the choice on a warehouse management system Proxima Warehouse of IT Scan company. Implementation of this system guaranteed fast, faultless goods issue from a finished goods warehouse and also allowed to use the principle of selection of goods of "FIFO" (the first the goods with earlier receipt date on a warehouse are selected). Logistic design became the first stage of work. Optimization of cargo processing in a warehouse, calculation of the hoisting-and-transport and rack equipment, number of warehouse personnel, all this allowed to pass to system implementation with the minimum costs of material, temporary and human resources.
Thanks to the accurate organization of works, deployment of WMS at the STAMM enterprise took place in the shortest possible time (one month) without stopping of business processes. Integration with a corporate system Parus was carried out and electronic document management between accounting and a warehouse is implemented. System implementation Proxima Warehouse allowed to receive almost instantly reports on existence of goods on storage locations, turnover of separate cells and goods items. At any moment reports on incomplete orders became available. Similar information gave the chance to the management of the enterprise quickly to make management decisions.
Also quantitative indices of work of a warehouse changed:
time spent for acceptance, a complete set and shipment of orders was reduced; number of staff was reduced; training of warehouse workers takes 2-3 days; accuracy of accomplishment of orders increased to 99%; it was succeeded to solve a regrading problem. At selection of goods in the order such attributes as volume and weight for the correct laying of goods on a pallet are considered (heavy down, easy up). Introduction of a system of barcoding of goods increased performance of process of enrollment and control of orders. The confusion at acceptance and shipment of goods does not exist any more. Work with clients became the most effective. Also using WMS it was succeeded to solve a problem of automatic accounting of development of personnel and to introduce a management system for warehouse workers. Automation favorably affected the level of organization and discipline of personnel.
For solution of the problem of street storage wireless Cipher 8370L terminals which successfully cope with work in adverse weather conditions were used. They are reliably protected from penetration of moisture and dust, maintain repeated falling on concrete, and uninterruptedly work at subzero temperatures.
Summing up the results, it is possible to summarize - automation of a warehouse complex of finished goods of the STAMM enterprise using a system Proxima warehouse took place successfully. All main objectives set at the beginning of the project are reached.