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Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service

The name of the base system (platform): Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Developers: Amazon
Technology: SaaS - The software as service,  cybersecurity - Backup and data storage

The Simple Storage Service of the cloud Amazon Web Services (AWS) system allows to store objects up to 5 terabyte. For simplification of loading of large volumes of data in AWS the new interface of loading of files in parts is implemented (Multipart Upload). With its help it is possible to organize, for example, stream loading in the system of data of sequencing of the genomic sequences in process of their creation, saving all data in one object, and then to analyze this object on a cluster of the machines Amazon EC2.

All components of set of development tools for AWS, the management console of S3 and function of import and export of data to AWS support work with files with a capacity up to 5 terabyte now.