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2010/04/19 16:34:11

BI (advantage)

Advantages of use of the BI systems are undoubted. But there are also several nuances here. System implementation requires considerable capital investments and a responsible approach using specialists as company, and from outside. In a case with integration of BI into IT architecture of the company blind following to a trend by the principle of competitors or the organizations from adjacent spheres of activity inadmissibly. Here individual approach which will consider specifics of a company performance to the most, apparently, insignificant trifles is necessary.


Users of a system

It is possible to select four types of users of the systems of a business intelligence:

  • analysts
  • top managers
  • middle managers
  • non-management employees

And most important analysts are the first. They are not enough, they have high qualification and are appreciated worth its weight in gold, in fact being "brain" of the company. Not less important users are top managers of the company. As a rule, they understand that the business intelligence can resolve an issue of health of business therefore treat means of BI with a certain piety. The third type of users are middle managers. The orientation of their activity means the solution of a narrow circle of the tasks connected with the field of the performed works. At last, there are also non-management employees for which the business intelligence is necessary for access to up-to-date information and creation of the reporting. Depending on orientation to this or that circle of users also proposed solutions of Business Intelligence differ.


The BI system works not at tactical, and at the strategic level, allowing the head not only to quickly estimate a current status of the company, but also to estimate influence different change of this status.

Features of information representation

  • information is provided in a perspective of managerial logic of solvable tasks. Its structure is transparent for the end user.

Extent of detailing given and possible foreshortenings of analytical reports depend on information needs of the user and are defined at a stage of carrying out the analysis.

  • data models can be quickly adapted to changes in business processes.

A peculiar creation of data models allows to analyze as generalized, and transaction data without the expensive stage of creation of multidimensional OLAP cubes which is taking away a lot of time. Data are taken from one or several data sources. Systems are aimed at automatic creation of communication between data which immediately become available to creation of user queries. Use of special data files considerably accelerates loading process that reduces load of the operating or accounting systems of the company. As data remain directly in RAM, time of the response to any request is not enough even at very large volumes of the data analyzed by at the same time large number of users.

Possibilities of the BI systems

Thousands of analytical signs can support the BI systems, any analytics can become the main for creation of reports. Changes are made to applications for read seconds that allows to react to changes in requirements of the company quickly. The feature of creation of models of data storage allows to reproduce scenarios "that/if" or to implement a budgeting task and planning directly in a system. As all data are in RAM, and calculation happens directly at the moment of a request, participation in calculations of outdated or irrelevant data is excluded. Data in a system are not aggregated, and users have an opportunity to analyze them at all levels, up to detailed transactions, and the unique data compression technology in memory allows to process a significant amount of data on quite traditional equipment. Using incremental loading, the BI systems allow to work with data arrays, close to real time, to define trends in continuously changing data, such as quotations, hourly remaining balance, etc. The provided performance level allows to have the platform for the analysis not only data of the enterprise, but also and all network of his clients, partners and suppliers in all areas, including sales, marketing, logistics, production, finance and personnel management.

Relevance of use

Today recession in economy is obviously observed, new problems arise every day: the enterprises reduce production volumes, sales decrease, reduction of staff and costs, etc. is required. Many companies have a need to review approaches to planning of business, the organization of sales, it is essential to reduce costs. But if to perform these operations without data analysis and modeling of scenarios, the probability to worsen the current situation and, as a result, to lose the best clients, suppliers, employees and partners that inevitably affects competitiveness is high. One of the few methods of obtaining adequate information and modeling tools is class BI system implementation. The company can use results of implementation already in the shortest possible time since the beginning of the project, and return of investments often advances investments that in present conditions for many companies can be a real method of survival. At the same time, the Business Intelligence systems allow to solve various problems of business and in the future, providing to users long-term benefits.

Features and advantages

  • the integrated platform. BI represents the complex platform for management of intellectual resources of the enterprise with the built-in analytical tools among which online analytical processing of data (OLAP), means of introduction and data-refresh, means of extraction, conversion and data loading, the data warehouse and function of reports generation. This complex, integrated approach allows the organizations to create and unroll easily the powerful systems for management of intellectual resources of the enterprise, controlling the costs.
  • effective decision making. Improvements in the available control functions by intellectual resources of the enterprise, such as OLAP and data-refresh, emergence of the new server of reports, give to the enterprises the chance to transform information at all organizational levels — from the non-management employees working with information to the chief executive.
  • security and operational readiness. Parameters of scalability, operational readiness and safety help to ensure to users uninterrupted access to systems for management of intellectual resources of the enterprise and reports.
  • possibilities of the analysis on the scale of all enterprise. Advanced means of extraction, conversion and data loading facilitates to the organizations consolidation and data analysis from a set of diverse sources. An opportunity to analyze the data which are stored on computers under control of a broad spectrum of operating systems allows the organizations to win competitive advantage due to representation of a complete picture of activity of the enterprise.
  • uniform conceptual framework and general information space
  • cardinal reducing costs for data collection and processing in the companies with the distributed structure
  • increase in efficiency and quality of training of management decisions
  • the automated control of key performance indicators of the enterprise.
  • operational informing interested persons on deviations of key indicators from the set standards
  • optimal use of computing resources of the company, for example, by decrease in load of the settlement systems
  • confidentiality of information, differentiation and registration of data access.

Additional advantages: flexible adaptation to needs of users, a user-friendly interface, presentable reports, rich analytical tools, remote access through the Internet, rather rapid implementation, technical support at an operational phase and a possibility of further improvement.

See Also
