2019/05/20 11:19:08
GERB (Gastroezofagealnaya reflux disease)
GERB — the chronic recurrent disease caused by violation motor evakuatornoy functions of bodies of a gastroezofagealny zone and which is characterized by regularly repeating runaway in a stomach contents gullet, and sometimes and DPK that leads to emergence of the clinical symptoms worsening quality of life of patients, to injury of a mucous membrane of disteel department of a gullet with development in it dystrophic changes of a neorogovevayushchy multilayer flat epithelium, the catarrhal or erosive and ulcer ezofagit (reflux-ezofagit), and in a part of patients — a tsilindrokletochny metaplaziya.
GERB is one of the most often found present diseases. By estimates for May, 2019, about 46% of adult population of Russia have this disease.