Social Customer Relationship Management System
Social CRM technologies are at the peak of consumer attention so most the companies or already made a series of experiments with them or planned the corresponding purchases. Some of them came to development of strategy of social CRM which allows to reach much bigger business effects.
The directory of CRM solutions and projects is available on TAdviser
Social the Customer Relationship Management System are more customer-oriented, than traditional. To achieve success in implementation of this strategy, Gartner recommends to concentrate not on how the company can interact with clients, and on how clients can interact with the company.
Concept of social CRM
Usually such systems have the multi-user interface (for clients and partners), data and content use user-generated and also provide kommnyyunit sufficient degree of autonomy.
Enter functionality of social CRM: boards of messages, blogs, the rating systems (for product reviews), the instruments of reputation management, social tags, tabs, search, filters, the user analytical tools structured and not structured possibilities of data mining.
Advantages of social CRM to business: creation of trusted relationships with clients, continuous access to the user fidbek, sales increase, product differentiation and services, increase in efficiency of cross-sellings, reduction in cost of service and others.
Advantages of social CRM to clients: influence on decision making, obtaining more complete information about products and services, increase in control over interaction with the company, increase in loyalty to a brand.
Today vendors of the social CRM systems provide to the users functionality which can be subdivided into four standard blocks:
- Hosting and support of the branded corporate communities and also providing the corresponding functional environment
- Monitoring and implementation of a feedback in corporate or independent accounts in social networks
- Possibility of exchange of a contact information between community B2B or B2C
- Placement in community of reviews of products and stimulation online of sales
Those vendors which provide implementation of two or three above the designated functional units have more competitive advantages. Are among other competitive factors: clear interaction between public and private social communities, integration of processes with traditional CRM, specialized analytical opportunities, partnership with global system integrators
Development of technology of social CRM is conducted on the way of deepening of integration with traditional CRM processes and also popular services of social networks, increases in use of analytical tools and also creations of new interesting projects and cases.
For 2011 90% of users of social CRM used such systems for communication with clients whereas use of these solutions in the field of B2B so on such cases 30% of a total quantity of implementations in 2015 is necessary already gradually accrues, Gartner predicts.
Market of social CRM
In 2010 expenses on social solutions for automation of marketing, sales and customer service grew by 40%, but only 5% of global market of CRM were the share of social CRM. According to forecasts of Gartner, for the end of 2012 the aggregate turnover of vendors of social CRM solutions will reach $1 billion, in 2010 this indicator equaled $625 million.
However because of abundance of user queries and entry into the market of numerous new players the market of social CRM remains very fragmentary. For 2011 at the market there were about 100 vendors of social CRM. The majority of these projects non-commercial or generate profit less than $1 million. In 2012 the market of social CRM is waited by the next wave of consolidation: small vendors will continue to absorb each other.
Magic square of Gartner for the social CRM systems
Gartner, 2011
According to "a magic square" of Gartner for the social CRM systems for 2011, the leading vendors in the world market of social CRM are Jive, and Lithium companies. To number of chellendzher of Gartner carries Bazaarvoice. To number of niche players – OpenText,RightNow, Cymfony, NM Incite, Demand Media, Converseon, Visible Technologies, Vision Critical, Globalpark, Mzinga, PowerReviews, Alterian, Kana Software, InsideView.