Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Borodino trading house


Borodino Trading House LLC.

The retail chain stores Borodino are one of the leading networks of grocery stores of the Petrozavodsk city district. In addition to food outlets of this network specialize in implementation of high-quality alcoholic products.

Borodinsky supermarkets closely cooperate with the city alcoholic beverage plants and offer products which are turned out by them in the extensive collection of wines. For owners of Gold and Silver of discount cards of shop considerable discounts are provided.

The Borodino Treyd management company developing standards and regulations of work, commodity policy, creating a uniform contractual basis on work with suppliers is at the head of consolidation.

Consolidation includes the partner companies:

  • "Borodino trading house";
  • "Seventh continent";
  • Borodinsky group;
  • "Borodino WHOLESALE";
  • "Collection of wines";
  • Fudstor;
  • "Option".