Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Diginetica Didginetics Rus D Technologies


Retail Technology Company: Developer of retail solutions based on Big Data, Rich Relevance platform

Diginetica is an international technology company that provides solutions for building omnichannel personalization in eCommerce. Diginetica's service division includes a range of services to build and develop retailers' digital channels based on RichRelevance solutions.

The company's clients are the largest players in the Russian and international consumer markets, including Ulmart, Sportmaster, MediaMarkt, Korablik, Quelle and others. Diginetica's retail solutions are based on big data and are designed to improve key business performance indicators. Technologies are built on the basis of analysis of behavioral responses of buyers, which are aggregated in the cloud and make up a huge amount of information.