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Баннер в шапке 2

Far Eastern Generating Company (FEGC)


Number of employees
2017 year


+ Far Eastern Generating Company (FEGC)

JSC Far Eastern Generating Company is formed as a result of reforming of the power companies entering into the integrated power system of the Far East (CUC of the East). Power plants of Amurenergo, Khabarovskenergo, Dalenergo, LUTEK Ltd and Neryungrinsky state district power plant (South Yakutia) and also backbone thermal networks were a part of JSC DGK.

The company makes thermal and electrical energy and also provides the centralized heat supply of consumers in regions of location of power plants in Khabarovsk and Primorsk edges, the Amur region, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the southern Region of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. Function of sale of thermal energy to end consumers is also assigned to JSC DGK.

JSC DGK – the fourth in value of installed capacity the territorial generating company of Russia and the largest participant of the energy market of the Far East.


  • 5,846.58 MW the set electric power
  • 12585.1 Gcal. / h thermal power
  • 12,778 people number of staff