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Galex GC (Galex STC) Galex


STC Galex LLC is a multidisciplinary IT company that provides a range of information and technical support services and appropriate service. The Galex Scientific and Technical Center has been operating in the corporate information technology market of the Siberian Federal District since 1993.

Vladimir Alfievich Grafeev - 27,5%
Ivan Anatolyevich Malko - 27,5%
Oleg Yuryevich Valov - 10%
Elena Nikolaevna Grafeeva - 10%
Anatoly Mikhailovich Zakharov - 9%
Sergey Dmitrievich Klushin - 2%


Revenue millions Ths. rub

Number of employees


+ Ivan Anatolyevich Malko
+ Oleg Yuryevich Valov
+ Elena Nikolaevna Grafeeva
+ Anatoly Mikhailovich Zakharov
+ Sergey Dmitrievich Klushin

Scientific and Technical Center of Galex LLC has been operating in the corporate IT market of the Siberian Federal District since 1993 and is today one of the largest multidisciplinary regional IT companies in Russia.

The mission of STC Galex LLC is to build IT systems that increase productivity and reduce Customer costs and further comprehensive service support.

The company's activities cover the full cycle of IT services and allow you to carry out complex turnkey projects, from the provision of survey services, design to installation and building an IT infrastructure.

Priority areas of the company's activities:

  • development of solutions and delivery of modern office equipment;
  • system integration - development, implementation and maintenance of complex projects for automation of technological and business processes of the enterprise
  • maintenance of equipment and engineering systems.

Performance indicators

2021: Revenue decrease by 2.5% to RUR 1,847 million

At the end of 2021, Galex's revenue amounted to 1,847 million rubles, down 2.5% compared to 2020, which allowed it to take 169 place in the TAdviser100: The largest IT companies in Russia 2022.


2020: Revenue - RUR 1,894 million

At the end of 2020, Galex's revenue amounted to 1,894 million rubles.

2019: Entering the Construction Market

On June 17, 2019, the system integrator NTC Galex announced its entry into the construction market with the services of a "technical customer." Read more here.


In October 2017, Galex and the Russian developer of software platforms BASEALT signed a cooperation agreement. Galex became the first partner of the developer for the implementation of BASEALT products in the Siberian Federal District.

The agreement provides for the mandatory presence in the state of Galex of certified specialists in the products "BasaltSPO" (BaseALT), as well as, on the other hand, technical and information support from the developer.

On the basis of the developer's software platform, Russian operating systems for workstations and servers are produced, which are implemented at commercial enterprises and in government agencies. The products are included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases.

The signing of a partnership agreement with the Russian manufacturer "BASEALT" allows us to provide the best level of both pre-sales support to determine the optimal solution of the client's tasks through Russian software, and to guarantee a high level of technical support for existing systems - Evgeny Krivosheev, Head of the Strategic Development Department of Galex.

Galex and BASEALT also associate other joint projects. So, at the beginning of 2017, BASEALT specialists, together with Business-Info LLC (St. Petersburg) and STC Galex, completed a study of the possibilities of using EDS in operating systems included in the Unified Register of Domestic Software. The goal of the project is to identify existing problems in this area and help users of these OS fully work on electronic trading platforms and government service portals.


The analytical agency in the field of information technology - CNews Analytics has published the results of several industry ratings. STC Galex has traditionally entered the list of 100 largest IT companies in Russia, and is also recognized as one of the leaders in the engineering and IT infrastructure market.

At the end of 2015, STC Galex took the following positions:

  • 77th place in the ranking "The largest IT companies in Russia";
  • 13th place in the ranking "The largest suppliers in the field of complex infrastructure construction projects of buildings and structures";
  • 11th place in the ranking "Largest providers of services and solutions in the field of engineering infrastructure and physical security systems."

All ratings are based on the ranking of organizations by the amount of revenue received.


In December, STC Galex received state accreditation Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Russia as an organization carrying out activities in the region. information technology About this in the register of accredited organizations entered an entry for No. 2733. An extract from the state register indicates that Galex fully complies with the conditions of the Regulation " state On Accreditation of Organizations Operating in the Field of Information Technologies," approved by Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 758 of November 6, 2007.


In 2009, 2011 and 2013, the Galex Scientific and Technical Center was among the winners of the rating "25 best regional IT companies" prepared by the Russian business IT publication CRN/RE. For several years, STC Galex LLC has been included in the list of "100 Largest IT Companies in Russia," and the list of "Largest IT Suppliers to the Public Sector," compiled by a recognized leader in the field of rating preparation - the agency CNews Analytics. Galex was twice recognized as the "Best Supplier in the Field of Information Technologies for State and Municipal Needs" in the framework of the All-Russian Forum-Exhibition "State Order-2011" and "State Order-2013."

  • May 2011 - In the list of services provided by the company, a new one appeared - service maintenance of air conditioning systems for various purposes and degrees of complexity. The company's specialists in the field of service support remind that maintenance of seasonal air conditioning systems is recommended to be carried out twice a year: before the start of the season and after its end; maintenance of systems operating all year round should be carried out even more often. It is necessary to regularly clean the heat exchangers from dust, poplar fluff, clean the drainage system, examine the system for freon leaks, measure the pressure and temperature of the coolant in the routes, determine the parameters of overheating or supercooling of the system; if necessary, refill with freon; check all electrical parameters of the system operation, maintain a service book. Very often these rules are neglected, which leads to a breakdown of equipment and a reduction in its service life. Galex has all the necessary resources for the maintenance and diagnostics of air conditioning systems: there are the necessary specialized equipment, employees are certified for the maintenance of Daikin and Kentatsu air conditioners by Daichi, regularly undergo training and advanced training.