Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Interregional Exchange of the Oil And gas complex, MBNK


The "Interregional Exchange of the Oil And Gas Complex" non-profit partnership is created in 2002 by independent producers of gas with active participation of the Russian gas society and Union of independent producers of gas. A main objective of activity of NP MBNK is the organization of the stock exchange trading by gas and oil products in the Russian Federation. The chairman of Exchange Council of NP MBNK is Yazev Valery Afanasyevich – the Chairman of the Committee on power industry, transport and communication of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of Partnership is provision of services, the civil transactions with a hydrocarbonic raw material which are directly promoting the conclusion, through a single system of the organization of trade and providing necessary conditions of its normal functioning for the benefit of market participants.

At this stage NP MBNK carries out work on implementation of the schedule of development of the stock exchange trading by gas in the Russian Federation and creations of the institutes creating the system of pricing of the free sector of the market of the gas approved with JSC Gazprom.