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Kazakh academy of transport and communications of M. Tynyshpayev


Science and education
Since 1931
Shevchenko St., 97 (ug. Masangchi St.)

Today KAZATK of M. Tynyshpayeva-eto the leading highest technical educational institution of Kazakhstan on training for railway (including the city electric transport and the subway) and the motor transport, on information technologies, telecommunications and the personnel for financial and economic structures (October, 2017).





On February 22, 2013 JSC the National company "azastan Темір Zhola" became one of the main uchereditel of the Kazakh academy of transport and communications of M. Tynyshpayev, and the academy became one of its affiliated structures.


On May 23, 2000 the name of the first Kazakh engineer of means of communication, the large public and political figure, one of developers of the project and the builder of the Turkestano-Sibirsky trunk Mukhamedzhana Tynyshpayev was appropriated to the Kazakh academy of transport and communications.


On May 7, 1996 based on two transport institutions – the Almaty institute of engineers of railway transport and the Almaty automobile and road institute – the enlarged higher educational institution for the transport industry – the Kazakh academy of transport and communications (KAZATK) was formed.


On January 1, 1991 based on the Almaty branch of the Ust-Kamenogorsk construction and road institute the Almaty automobile and road institute was created. (AADI).


On May 20, 1976 based on branch the Almaty institute of engineers of railway transport (ALIIT) was created.


The training and counseling center specified to a vyssha since October 1, 1967 was reorganized into the Almaty branch of TASHIITA.

1931: Creation of the company

History of a higher educational institution begins since 1931 when in Alma-Ata the first training and counseling center branch of the Central Asian institute of engineers of the railway transport located to Tashkent was open.