Murmansk combined heat and power plant
Basic purpose of the enterprise is development and a holiday of thermal energy, maintenance of the equipment in operating state by carrying out repairs.
- The Murmansk combined heat and power plant constructed according to the plan by GOELRO specialists of Kommunenergostroy trust in 1934 for the first time provided regular power supply of the city. After electrification central heating of Murmansk began.
- In September, 1939 the first BP-43 boilers are mounted, from the station 1150 meters of a heating main were laid.
- In days of the Great Patriotic War work of the station, due to the lack of fuel, was stopped. After war of combined heat and power plant gradually increased the capacities.
- In 1973 and 1982 the most powerful boiler houses on the Kola Peninsula — Southern and East to which networks even more than one thousand residential buildings and production facilities were connected were put into operation.
- In 1966 the Murmansk combined heat and power plant was a part of Kolenergo, and October, 2005, according to the plan of reforming of the Russian power, was selected in independent joint-stock company, having saved collective and production resources as a part of RAO UES of Russia.
- By 2015 as a part of the Murmansk combined heat and power plant — combined heat and power plant, two largest boiler houses and the electrical distribution substation providing with energy the downtown.