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Novokuznetsk water utility of Kemerovo Kem-Vod


The Novokuznetsk Vodokanal is not only workshops and departments, it is ideology, corporate culture which are created at the enterprise more than 20 years ago and exist till today.


1929 - the 1950th 1929 The urban pump station No. 1 (GNS) constructed around the former sand and pebble pit opposite to present koprovy workshop of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine (KMC) is launched in operation. GNS-1 generally provided with water plant, Upper and Lower colonies where were the hospital town, bakery. She worked more than 30 years and was finally closed in 1963.

1930 Urban pump station No. 2 (GNS) is started, the centralized system of water supply of the city reckons the history exactly from now on. GNS-2 was located on the left coast of the Tom River and pumped water to new houses of builders of Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine. GNS-2 - is closed in 1950 because of insufficient water inflow in a receiving well and also because of receipt of the fecal pollution from the river Aby passing through soil to a receiving well.

1933 Ostrovsky a water intake", located on the right coast of the Tom River which in an effect was closed only 60 years later - in 1993 is put in operation ".

1945 On October 20, 1945 "Vodokanaltrest" Gorkomkhoz of the city who was under supervision of management of Gorkomkhoz of the city was created. The administrative building was located on Pirogov St., 1, in the one-storey wooden lodge consisting of 4 rooms - departments: technological, accounting, water sale and managing director's office. The collective consisted of 4 tens people. Transport was not, it was replaced by a horse.

1947 The infiltration gallery on the bank of the Tom River is put in operation. Construction of this object was conducted by captured Germans. Later this object was a part of Left-bank workshop of water supply. Operation of an object is conducted and now.

The 1950th years In the city as well as through the whole country there is a construction of the largest industrial facilities and new residential areas. Together with it also the city water supply system develops.

1958 - 1982

1958 On balance of Vodokanaltrest the Abashevsky water intake, to the settlement of Abashevo located on the right coast of the Tom River is accepted. Were a part of its constructions: infiltration gallery 556 meters long, water-collecting well, pump station of the 2nd rise.

1965 On September 21, 1965 "Vodokanaltrest" is renamed into the production management of water and sewer economy (PMWSE) of Gorkomkhoz of the city.

1967 The 1st queue of the Dragoon water intake is accepted in operation. Were its part: the 1st water rise on the left coast the Tom River, infiltration gallery, two reservoirs RChV, V-1000m3 everyone.

1968 From Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine the Left-bank water intake including is accepted in operation: infiltration gallery, urban pump station No. 3, filtration pump station No. 2, two reservoirs with a pure volume of 2000 m3 everyone, boiler house.

1971 The Bezrukovsky water intake consisting of 12 wells is accepted in operation. The construction of the first stage of treatment facilities of the sewerage is completed. The project was prepared by the Sverdlovsk department of GRI of Soyuzvodokanalproyekt. Performance of treatment facilities was 190 thousand m3/days.

1973 The Siberian department of Soyuzvodokanalproyekt executed the tekhnorabochy project of expansion of treatment facilities of the sewerage on 50 thousand m3/days. Management of Kuzbassvodokanal of the Kemerovo Oblkomkhoz which part the production management of water and sewer economy (PMWSE) of Novokuznetsk was created. During this period the enterprise costs on the survival edge of survival - now all money coming to PUVKH from rendering of services got into Kemerovo Oblkomkhoz, and financing of works on a water supply system and water disposals of Novokuznetsk was performed by the residual principle.

1975 The system of distribution of finance put in 1973 leads to significant insufficient funding of a city water supply system and water disposal. It leads to interruptions in work of all water supply system and water disposal.

1976 Execution of works on performance improvement of treatment facilities of the sewerage is complete. The project prepared in 1973 allowed to increase performance of treatment facilities of the sewerage to 240 thousand m3/days.

1977 The engineering design of the 2nd queue of the sewerage according to which performance of a city system of the sewerage increased to 315 thousand m3/days is developed. Additional construction of self-flowing and pressure head collectors, construction and reconstruction of sewer pump stations and expansion of treatment facilities was provided of the engineering design.

1980 Mass acceptance on balance of constructions and the poor performance of constructions of water treatment was led to the fact that residents began to have problems with water supply: water is pumped according to diagrams - it just is not enough for all consumers, and to inhabitants of upper floors water just does not rise. There were cases when 2 nearby standing houses had on input absolutely different water pressure in networks: in one house there was no water because of insufficient pressure, and in another from excessive pressure pipes were torn. For performance improvement of constructions of water treatment considerable financial resources which just the enterprise did not have were required. During this period the wear of networks increases to 90%, leak on pipelines catastrophic, daily is registered up to 60 accidents. There is no zakoltsovka of networks, for elimination of accidents it is necessary to disconnect the whole residential districts of the city. At the enterprise only 1 specialist with the higher profile education "water supply and the sewerage" works.

1983 - 1989

1983 On the enterprise the graduate of Water Supply and Sewerage department Sabelfeld Alexander Vladimirovich was accepted. One year prior to its employment 2 more specialists - the water supplier came to the enterprise. Nevertheless, the enterprise tests serious staff shortage.

1987 This year the foundation is laid for carrying out global work on collection of information about a status of networks of a water supply system with a diameter of 300-1200 mm. A compulsory measure because legacy tablets are often not reliable. For this purpose, to solve this problem within the next 9 years more than 2000 holes were executed that allowed to collect information on material, diameter, a status of pipelines. During the same period large-scale events for collection of data on distribution of pressure in network of water supply are held - piestic pressures and pressure losses in each section of the pipeline are measured. All collected information was placed on schemes of networks of water supply and became available to all production divisions.

Similar work is conducted and today, but already on diameters of 100 mm and less and also on the networks of water supply which are again accepted on balance. But what was made in the early eighties the updated staff of the enterprise in the subsequent allowed to place correctly priorities in carrying out repair work and in kratchashy terms to resolve an issue with interruptions of water in a number of districts of the city. The substantial contribution to carrying out this work was made by Zaretsky Lev Ilyich, the head of the laboratory of the measuring equipment of Vniigidrougol institute, the associate professor "water supply and the sewerage" of the Siberian metallurgical institute. Adjustment of the engineering design of the 2nd queue of the sewerage is executed.

The water treatment station of the Dragoon water intake, ladle water intake, 2 reservoirs with a pure volume of 6000 m3 everyone, the pump station of the 2nd rise, two conduits with a diameter of 900 mm and one 1400 mm are put into operation. This event became considerable for the system of city water supply - allowed to produce so much water of drinking quality how many it was required to the population and the organizations of the city. Increase in water supply in a water supply system led to the fact that the sewerage ceased to cope with the increased volumes of drains - holding the most serious actions for performance improvement of the water disposal system and cleaning of drains was required. For temporary solution of again arisen problem reset of a drain water to the river near Dozovsky Bridge was authorized. In the subsequent a question of financing of reconstruction of the water disposal system reshalsyam municipality within more than 20 years.

1989 The complex of constructions of the 2nd queue of the sewerage with a performance of 45 thousand m3/day is put in operation. Performance of treatment facilities increased to 285 thousand m3/days.

1990 - 1993

1990 On May 30, 1990 Rent consolidation Vodokanal is formed. The Novokuznetsk water utility became the Russia's first private water utility - the enterprise passed to market rails. From this time the enterprise had an opportunity to independently place priorities in distribution of money. Huge work on upgrade of production processes, an overhaul of networks and constructions, updating of the park of transport, special equipment, the tool and the equipment was coming. In Vodokanal the foundation is laid for studying of the most advanced world methodologies in the field of management. Are as a result selected ideology of steady creation of business on the basis of the principles E. Deming and experience of a production system Toyota. The building of Left-bank workshop of water supply was recognized city commission abnormal. Despite such critical assessment of a status of an object specialists of Vodokanal decided to recover an object. Within the next 2 years the construct of the building was changed and this object was recovered. Besides, during this period the scheme of water purification was completely changed that allowed to improve cardinally its quality and to reduce costs for cleaning process. The huge contribution to carrying out this work was made by the associate professor "water supply and the sewerage" the Siberian metallurgical institute Lyubovsky Zinoviy Efimovich.

1992 The laboratory of control of promstok receives the evidence of the state certification. It allowed to confirm reliability of all analyses which are carried out by laboratory. Section of technology communication is organized. The task to provide the enterprise with reliable communication channels between objects and divisions is set for collective of section. The department of logistics is created. From this point delivery dates of the purchased materials and the equipment were considerably reduced, and their quality began to conform to requirements of production divisions. The complete inventory of the available warehouse stocks was carried out to the shortest possible time that allowed to reduce the volume of not used material resources and to redistribute the released money for works on system recovery of city water supply. In the new building of Vodokanal on the second floor the conference room for 120 people intended for holding different actions is equipped. Now cultural corporate actions could visit much more employees. For ensuring social needs of employees of Vodokanal the household department was organized. This measure allowed to provide employees with products, manufactured goods, home appliances necessities. Measure temporary and forced: in the country at this time counters of shops were empty, there was a coupon system.

1993 Rent consolidation Vodokanal is transformed to Vodokanal Closed joint stock company. The first reorganization of services is carried out. As a result of a reorganiization appeared: section of the emergency recovery operations (ERO) for operational accident elimination on networks of a water supply system, division on elimination of blockages on sewer networks, section on a turn of networks. Along with creation of new divisions serious work on formalization of processes of accident elimination is carried out. These first-priority measures allowed to reduce many times terms of accident elimination and in the subsequent to reduce accident rate due to regular carrying out scheduled maintenance. Service ACS is created that allowed to pass to the system solution of questions of control automation by the enterprise, to begin work on providing the enterprise with modern office equipment and computers. The central laboratory of metrology is created and certified in the center of standardization. Its tasks became: repair, checking of ultra-sonic flowmeters and other metrological equipment.

Dragoon water intake

According to the recommendation of the Siberian metallurgical institute of Gohmann Boris Matveevich and the associate professor Lange Lilia Romanovna managing departments of "water supply and the sewerage" contact coagulation for preparation of drinking water was entered. As a result of implementation of this offer the volume of consumption of expensive reagent was considerably reduced. At the same time water quality still corresponded to all standards. On the d-1400mm pipeline pumping water to the city from the Dragoon water intake the modern flowmeter is installed. It allowed to obtain reliable information on volumes of the produced and pumped water to the city. On eight filters the system of measurement of difference of water with registration of information and its automated transfer to dispatching office - the next solution in the field of quality improvement of water purification, reduction of energy costs on cleaning and increases in efficiency of response to unusual situations is installed.

Abashevsky and Left-bank water intakes Installation of metering devices of a consumption of water is carried out. The pumping equipment is transferred to the automatic mode of work. These measures allowed to reduce the number of service staff, and to direct the released qualified specialists to the sections requiring production upgrade.

Water Pump Stations (WPS) The water Dimitrova pump station is completely transferred to the automatic mode of work. Now more than 80% of all urban water pump stations work in the automated mode that in turn allowed to reduce costs for service staff, and to redistribute money on further modernization.


Sewer Pump Stations (SPS) The sewer KNS-124 and KNS-126 pump stations are put in operation. A number of Commission on Narcotic Drugs is transferred to the automatic mode of work. Treatment facilities of the sewerage

Replacement of a system of measurement of a consumption of air on aerotenka is made that allowed to redistribute correctly air supply, necessary for life activity of microorganisms and to increase quality of cleaning of drains. From this year at the enterprise competitive personnel recruitment for vacancies is conducted - the unique system of candidate screen allowing to estimate the potential of again coming employees is created. The subsequent use of this methodology allowed to improve considerably for 10 years ahead the personnel capacity of the enterprise.

1994 - 1999

1994 The program of technical and economic planning in which creation production department, construction department, departments of the chief mechanical engineer and chief power engineer took part is for the first time implemented. The solution innovation for those times allowed to enter to the computer of the request for repair work, to keep track of the status of execution. Automation was followed by works on formation of the nomenclature reference book, change of a system of accounting of works and the reporting under them. The complex of these organizational and technical measures allowed to accelerate processing of requests from sections, control of the material consumption became possible, there was an opportunity to carry out statistical analysis. Electrical measuring instruments are installed and events for increase in energy efficiency are held. As a result - power saving on Vodokanal reached 21%. Big research work in the field of cleaning of drains is carried out. In work active part was taken by the teacher of department "water supply and sewerage" of the Siberian metallurgical institute Zabelina Galina Artemyevna. Also research associates of VODGEO institutes (Tashkent) and the Siberian Rosvodokanal (Novosibirsk) were involved. As a result of the conducted researches and the subsequent reconstruction of treatment facilities the efficiency of cleaning of drains was increased by 15%, the Tom River ecology is improved.

The workshop on production of blinds for premises of Vodokanal and third-party buyers - the next measure which reduced own costs of the enterprise and allowed to gain an additional income is created. During this period even insignificant funds were allocated for water supply problem solving to consumers. Reorganization of laboratory on control of promstok is carried out, two independent departments were as a result formed: department of environmental control and central laboratory of control of promstok. Section of underwater and technical works for accomplishment of repairs of hydrotechnical objects is created. For the first time at the enterprise from young skilled workers the service on protection of objects of Vodokanal is created.

Dragoon water intake-18 water-engineering system

In RChV ultrasonic EHO-5 level meters are installed, the automated transfer of all information on the computer of dispatching office is organized. Left-bank water intake Complete reconstruction of 2 filters is carried out: the drainage system is replaced with modern and more effective polimerbetonny plates. Contact coagulation for preparation of drinking water is entered (according to the same scheme which was applied and tested in 1993 on the Dragoon water intake). As a result consumption of expensive reagent is significantly reduced while the quality of water purification, as before, corresponded to all standards. The next stage of improvement of a system of water purification was passed thanks to research activity of the associate professor "water supply and the sewerage" of the Siberian metallurgical institute of Lyubovsky Zinoviy Efimovich. Project recommendations about dehydration of a deposit are developed and filter presses Maiden (Finland) purchased. Replacement of outdated blowers by more productive is made. The new equipment became significantly more easy-to-work and is more economic in electricity consumption.

1995 At the request of the regional headquarters of Civil defense our freelance rescue units from the Dragoon water intake successfully liquidated a number of accidents on emission of chlorine in the environment at the enterprises of the cities of Prokopyevsk, Belovo, Toes. Thanks to prompt actions of our specialists it was succeeded to avoid poisoning with chlorine of residents of these cities. For good rest and recovery of employees on the central base of Vodokanal reconstruction of a sauna is carried out, the swimming pool is built. The automated jobs in the central dispatching service and dispatching office of the Dragoon water intake are organized. Now the personnel on duty had an opportunity to trace operation parameters of constructions directly on screens of monitors.

1996 From 100 enterprises of Russia and development (USA) within the international cooperation the Novokuznetsk water utility was selected by the commission of the World Bank of reconstruction among 6 enterprises most capable for application of the software of Wadiso allowing to carry out mathematically calculation of hydraulics of networks of water supply. Specialists of a Novokuznetsk water utility were invited in the USA for training. From all 6 enterprises the maximum efficiency evaluation of use of Wadiso was received by a Novokuznetsk water utility. For this reason guests from the USA made the decision on voluntary conveyance to a water utility of all Wadiso software and hardware complex with a total cost more than 1 million dollars.

1997 The department of optimization of work of networks and constructions (OORSIS) is created. At the first stage the staff of department repeatedly made pressure sensing in kazhy nodal point of city network of a water supply system. Results of measurements integrated with earlier collected data on diameters and extent of networks. All this information was used during creation of a mathematical model of a system of city water supply. Using the Wadizo S.A. program and thanks to the highest qualification of staff of department the possibility of computer simulation of work of real network of water supply at different changes of its parameters, in cases of emergence of accidents appeared and at connection of new consumers. It allowed to issue in divisions evidence-based recommendations about a turn of pipelines, replacement of latches, reconstruction of pump stations and the regulating tanks. The complex of the held events allowed to perform optimization of work of networks and constructions and by that to provide water inflow to the consumer.

The Vodokanal the first in the city switched to highly effective multifunction foreign excavators. For increase in efficiency of elimination of accidents the City Master excavator of the English firm JCB was purchased. It allowed to reduce twice number of special equipment and at the same time by 3 times to reduce terms and cost of elimination of accidents.

The teleinspection equipment which is permanently mounted based on the minibus "Mersedes" which without excavation of soil allowed to conduct television examination of a status of an internal surface of the sewer pipeline purchased Rausch company (Germany) and to precisely define the place and the nature of a blockage or damage.

The equipment on diagnostics of networks of water supply which without opening of soil allowed purchased Seba Dinatronic company (Germany): define a location of the underground metal pipeline at a depth up to 6 meters; in the section of the pipeline up to 400 meters, to within 0.1 meters to define the hidden leak. The equipment of Siemens company for automated management and the centralized control of operation of the sewer pump stations (SPS) is mounted. The new equipment provided control of the course of technology process and remote control of pumping units of Commission on Narcotic Drugs, improved an engines operating mode of pumping units, allowed to exclude from technology process of the operator of pump stations. The method of staking-on of joints of pig-iron pipes using a tree is implemented: pines and larches. This method succeeded technology of staking-on using lead. The new method allowed to provide the required level of reliability of connection of pipelines and at the same time to reduce costs for the used material. Besides, the accepted technology allowed to reduce labor input of execution of works. The enterprise in addition accepts on service 1 water intake, the 49th water pump stations, 4 sewer pump stations, 185 km of networks of water supply, 182 km of networks of water disposal, 15 pure reservoirs.

1998 This year the foundation of creation of a single system on resource management (ERP) is laid. This complex of software tools and management decisions intended for optimization of each process by accurate accounting, planning and increase in efficiency of expenditure of all necessary resources (finance, materials, the equipment, people). For use the decision on IFS Applications acquisition is made. The Novokuznetsk water utility became the first Vodokanal of Russia on which the ERP system appeared.

1999 Are accepted on service of a construction and network of Factory and Novoilyinsky districts, including a water intake "a bush of 25 wells". The Novokuznetsk water utility became the first of water utilities of Kuzbass which obtained the license for water use and subsurface use. Joint creative work of specialists of Novokuznetsk Vodokanal and JSC Kamaz was implemented in creation of the new platform of the special car for emergency crews. It had to integrate in itself(himself) the truck crane, the welding unit, an asbochka for water pumping out, transport for transportation of personnel of emergency crews and transport on transportation of goods. Now instead of 5 units of special equipment on accident 1 car of emergency crew left. Implementation of this solution led to considerable reduction of cost and terms of elimination of accidents. Later, after the carried-out tests and completion, the newly created special car of emergency crews was delivered in serial production. Today the similar equipment is used in many water utilities of Russia, but at that moment specialists of Novokuznetsk Vodokanal were the first in Russia who used this vozmozhnst additional reduction of job cost.

2000 - 2013

2000 This year some more objects and networks of generally Kuibyshev and Novoilyinsky districts are transferred to Vodokanal from municipality. Now service of the water supply system, largest in the Kemerovo region, and water disposals consisting from is entrusted Novokuznetsk Vodokanal:

  • 6 water intakes;
  • 105 water pump stations;
  • 34 sewer pumping stations;
  • 38 pure reservoirs;
  • 937 km of networks of water supply;
  • 487 km of networks of water disposal.

The previous 10 years of work on optimization of production processes allowed to reduce the need for production personnel significantly. So, for example, in comparison with 1991 the number of staff of the Dragoon water intake is reduced by 47%, and the number of staff of treatment facilities of the sewerage - for 28%. At the enterprise the institute of a probation period is entered.

2002 Work on transfer of water treatment facilities to use of more technological reagents is carried out: coagulant oxychloride of aluminum and cationic flokulyant Prayestol 650TR. Implementation of new reagents saved the normative quality level of water purification and at the same time allowed to reduce costs both for reagents and for operation of constructions of water treatment.

2003 From municipality shabby networks of the private sector of Kuibyshevsky district (before their service MUPORSVV - municipal unitary enterprise on service and repair of networks of water supply and water disposal was engaged) are accepted on service. From this point works on replacement of shabby networks of the private sector by durable polyethylene pipelines began to be carried out.

The technology of trenchless laying of pipelines using the installation of the horizontally directed drilling (IHDD) is successfully mastered. The new equipment allowed to increase the volume of a turn (replacement) of pipelines by 1.5 times.

Started the next stage of implementation of effective management tools based on ERP – the IFS Applications system. The large-scale project provided automation of managerial business processes, the operational information storage necessary for decision-making.

2006 The rebirth was experienced by pumping filtration plant of Left-bank workshop of water supply: replacement of process pipelines with a total length of 1200 meters is made, the armature of "Watts" which is widely applied in Europe is set. Organizational changes in processes of personnel document flow are carried out. The unified information system on personnel records is created. As a result of the held events terms of calculation and salary accrual were reduced twice, the uniform databank of candidates for employment is created.

2007 Safeguarding the city, from this year gradual conversion of water intaking constructions to sodium hypochlorite begins. It is necessary to carry out a number of changes in process of disinfecting of water on each water treatment construction. At the enterprise development and the analysis of indicators of each process is actively conducted that is also necessary for creation of "lean processes", the "thrifty" enterprise. Each process purchases key performance indicators, such as: process duration; process cost; efficiency of process as the relation of duration (costs) (costs) of process adding value to the general duration; variability (variability) of process as relative indicator the characterizing indicator of stability of the result issued by process.

2008 The volume of a turn, replacement of pipelines is considerably increased. The foundation is laid for development of the concept on replacement of shutoff valves. Up to this point the enterprise used different types of shutoff valves - in operation there were both locks and latches of different producers, brands, materials, diameters and also different service life. At the same time on each shutoff valves the most detailed information on its technical condition and the repairs made with it gathered. Collected technical data became a basis for carrying out the deep analysis which allowed to select one type of shutoff valves. This next solution which is based on the principles of "lean production" which in the long term promoted increase in operational reliability of a water supply system and at the same time to reduce costs for its service. On treatment facilities of the sewerage the construction of earlier unfinished settlers is completed. As a result performance of constructions reached 315 thousand m3/days. Are at the same time completed and let in operation the 2nd string of the collector with a diameter of 2000 mm with the master sewer GNS 1a and GNS 2a pump stations. At the enterprise the system of personnel recruitment is completely reviewed. Selection on 12 key qualities allowed to employ, only those heads and specialists who "in blood" have capabilities to creation of highly effective "lean" processes which are capable to realize and follow "lean" ideology of enterprise management This year the global economic crisis reached and to Russia - the population and the organizations of the city considerably reduce payment for services of Vodokanal. In this situation the management of the enterprise develops several anti-crisis plans which allowed not only to survive during crisis, but also to leave it with positive economic effect. At the same time we are proud of the fact that all vodokanalsky crisis response measures did not affect neither our consumer, nor on families of our employees - the salary level was left without changes, and employees without any reductions of number.

2009 For the purpose of ensuring the guaranteed drinking water supply of the Central and Kuibyshev districts of the city the project solution on construction of the new water treatment station on the platform of the Left-bank water intake with a performance of 100 thousand m3/day is developed. The project solution provides use of the most advanced world technologies which will allow to provide the guaranteed normative quality of drinking water even in the cases of occurrence of extreme situations connected with technogenic or microbiological pollution of water of a water source (river). The workshop of mechanical dehydration of a deposit therefore the volume of the formed deposit decreased by 5 times is put into operation. With start-up of these constructions the problematic issue on resets of drains under Dozovsky Bridge was finally resolved, margin of safety for all water disposal system of the city was provided. This event became on so much significant for all infrastructure of the city that on a festive event in honor of start of a new object 28 regional and 22 city awards were presented.

2010 On the Abashevsky water intake and a water intake "A bush of the 25th wells" modernization of technology of disinfecting of water is carried out - instead of liquid chlorine sodium hypochlorite began to be used. Sodium hypochlorite on comparisons with liquid chlorine is safer and technological reagent. Research tests on membrane filtering of water by PALL companies (USA) and Passavant (Germany) are finished. It allowed to lay the foundation for this purpose that in the future and in our city there were best world technologies of water purification which are successfully applied in Europe. The electronic document management system is implemented. The project covered more than 300 users. The document flow processes transferred to an electronic format became transparent now, there was a possibility of tracking of stages of work with documents, "losses" and "queues" of documents are abolished, terms of approvals of documentation are significantly reduced, the uniform electronic base of documentation of the enterprise is created. This project became the next stage in common cause of increase in process performance of the enterprise, reduction of unproductive costs.

2011 Specialists of the enterprise create an information system on networks of water supply. It comprises the most detailed data in all respects of a city water supply system, including data on material, to technical condition of networks and an armature. Detailing of information now 10 times more than at many similar enterprises of the largest cities of Russia that allows to predict accident rate and is more correct to plan works. The foundation of upgrade of processes of interaction with Subscribers is laid:

  • the Directory center (Call center) necessary for this purpose that each inhabitant, each enterprise had an opportunity by phone, without excess circulations, to obtain any information, necessary for it, to announce problems in water supply, completeness and quality of rendering services is created;
  • the order of response to written addresses of Consumers guaranteeing that each letter of the Consumer of services will be considered is organized and if necessary adequate measures are taken, according to each address irrefragable and clear answer will be given;
  • the external website of the enterprise intended for simplification of schemes of the statement, receiving services and also for complete and timely informing consumers is created.

2012 The on-line system of assessment of nature of accidents is implemented. Now operational crews are equipped with the shock-resistant notebooks equipped with GPRS communication. It allows to increase efficiency of switchings on networks of water supply, reduces transmission time of information to emergency crews, excludes excessive movements of transport of operational crews. The external website is brought into operation. The resource considerably simplified the mechanism of interaction between consumers of our services and the enterprise. Possibilities of the website are not limited to instant obtaining operational information about shutdowns, emergency situations, etc. The consumer of our services can submit the application for connection, transfer indications of metering devices, obtain the complete information about work of the enterprise, ask a question and receive the answer.

2013 The directory center (Call center) is created. Now consumers of our services by means of a multichannel telephone line can ask questions of the planned and abnormal repair work which is carried out by Vodokanal about the operating rates and charges for services of cold water supply and water disposal, about a requisition procedure on installation of metering devices of water, i.e. on any questions connected with activity of a water utility.

Within a year project development on preparation of drinking water using membrane technologies of Pall company (USA) continued. Start of such technology will allow to double delivery scopes of net drinking water to consumers, and, above all to increase water quality and reliability of a system of city water supply.