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PSI Software AG


A software developer based in Germany.



+ PSI Software AG

As an independent software manufacturer, PSI Software AG has been on the market since 1969 and develops solutions in the field of process control systems in power, industry, logistics. As of 2020, the company employed more than 2 thousand people.

From the presentation of PSI Software AG, 2017

Countries of presence

From the presentation of PSI Software AG, 2020

Business in Russia

2025: The beginning of the bankruptcy of the Russian "daughter"

PSI LLC (a subsidiary of the German PSI Software SE) intends to apply to the arbitration court with an application for declaring itself bankrupt. The corresponding message was posted on Fedresurs in February 2025. According to the audit conclusion of the annual financial statements of PSI, the company must pay for 2024 the amounts of damages awarded by the court in the total amount of €6.5 million and 445.042 million rubles, which "significantly exceed the net assets of the company."[1]


Since 2008, the company has a subsidiary in Russia - PSI LLC.

From the presentation of PSI Software AG, 2020

Performance indicators


As of 2015, PSI AG employs more than 1,500 people, of which more than 650 certified engineers, including 40 doctors of science, are engaged in the development of energy management systems. In Germany, there are 10 PSI representative offices headquartered in Berlin, another 8 operate in Europe and Asia. PSI software products form the basis for a variety of system solutions that are best suited to customer business needs.

One of the promising solutions of PSI AG is a comprehensive management system for municipal associations, which make it possible to combine the dispatching of the entire municipal infrastructure of the city within one platform: energy, gas, heat and water supply systems, as well as sewerage, street lighting, urban transport by electric traction (metro, trolleybuses, trams), communication systems, security systems, etc. The dispatcher can simultaneously see the state of all systems, accidents arising in them, assess the impact of emerging events in one system on the operability of adjacent systems, and promptly manage repair teams of various purposes within a single information space, including in the GIS representation. This approach significantly reduces the cost of automating urban utilities and optimizes the cost of operating urban utilities.


In 2014, the energy sector was characterized by positive dynamics in the field of gas and oil, despite the unfavorable situation in the industry, as well as improvements in the field of electricity, which was made possible thanks to the large investments made over the years. Turnover in this sector grew by 5.2% to 64.2 million euros (2013: 61.0 million euros). Operating profit rose to EUR 4.0 million (2013: EUR 0.6 million). The energy sector has implemented software adapted for the gas industry and combined it with the software for the sale of electricity transferred to the corporate platform of the concern earlier.

In the field of production management in 2014, turnover decreased by 5.4% to 79.6 million euros (2013: 84.1 million euros). The sector's operating profit rose from 1.4 million euros last year to 2.2 million euros. The biggest contribution to profits was made by metallurgy. PSI again used the decline in the market for the steel industry to acquire another strong competitor (Broner Metals Solutions Ltd., Watford, UK). The mechanical engineering and automotive sector increased its profit compared to last year and made gains in international markets. The logistics sector has successfully completed an ambitious pilot project for Swiss Post to the full satisfaction of the client and has made the latest depreciation charges for the old project, which was discontinued in 2013.

Turnover in the infrastructure management sector grew by 1% in 2014 and amounted to 31.6 million euros (2013: 31.3 million euros). Operating profit decreased to 2.2 million euros (2013: 3.3 million euros). Although the volume of deals in Southeast Asia has significantly decreased compared to last year due to political problems in Thailand, our Asian branch of PSI Incontrol has managed to achieve a positive result. The public transport sector received large orders from regular customers from Germany and new customers from Switzerland. Thanks to the growth of turnover in Eastern Europe, the Polish branch of PSI again achieved good results.

As a result of the completion of major projects, cash flow within the framework of current business activities increased significantly to 24.1 million euros (2013: - 0.1 million euros), despite the acquisition, liquidity by the end of the year increased to 29.3 million euros (31.12.2013: 21.8 million euros). To further increase the company's equity, the board, with the consent of the supervisory board, will propose to the general meeting to keep all profits in the company this year and resume dividend payments only next year.

PSI responds to the difficulties caused by falling commodity prices, weak conditions and volatility in the currencies of the BRIC countries by reorienting exports to the UK, North America and Switzerland. In 2015, the goal of the company's management is to increase the volume of orders and turnover of the concern by about 5% and achieve an operating profit of 11 million euros.

On the basis of its own software, PSI AG develops and implements comprehensive solutions in the field of power (electricity, gas, oil, water, heat energy), production process management (metal production and processing, automotive, engineering, raw materials, logistics), as well as infrastructure management in the field of transport and public safety.


In 2013, PSI reached a turnover of 176.3 million euros, which is 2.5% less than in the previous year (2012: 180.9 million euros). The profit decreased by 1.6% to 185 million euros (2012:188 million euros), the order book with the level of 118 million euros remained stable. The arrival of orders limited our company in promoting interaction with regular customers regarding further modernization. The fall in turnover was caused by costs in the Department of Logistics. The balance of the enterprise (EBIT, operating profit) as a result of one-time expenses and super-planned investments in the product decreased by 67% to 4.2 million euros (2012: 12.9 million euros). The group's balance sheet decreased by 96% to 0.4 million euros (2012: 9.4 million euros), revenue per share decreased by 0.02 euros (2012: 0.60 euros).

In 2013, the energy management sector relied primarily on the Gas and Oil segment, amid a structural crisis among energy concerns in Germany in the field of electricity. As a result, the turnover in this segment decreased by 2% to 61.0 million euros (2012: 62.3 million euros). In the past two years, as a result of one-time investments in the field of electricity, the transition from a project approach to a product approach has been carried out. Overall, the segment's operating profit fell to 0.6 million euros (2012: 3.2 million euros).

In the production management sector, turnover in 2013 decreased by 6% to 84.1 million euros (2012: 89.4 million euros). As a result of high losses in logistics, operating profit decreased by 79% from 6.6 million euros in the previous year to 1.4 million euros in the reporting period. The metalworking industry acquired additional market shares, and its contribution was again the greatest. At the end of the year, the raw materials sector received a large order from China, mechanical engineering and automotive, despite high investments in products, retained the result of last year.

The turnover in the infrastructure management sector in 2013 increased by 7% (31.3 million euros) (2012: 29.2 million euros). Operating profit increased by 39% to EUR 4.3 million (2011: EUR 3.1 million). As in the previous year, Asia's PSI Incontrol and Poland's PSI Poland posted the biggest gross margins, while profits in public transport dipped.

In 2013, PSI allocated EUR 19.8 million for research and development (2012: EUR 17.9 million). The main focus was on the energy sector when reorienting from project to product, as well as on a very costly pilot project in logistics, in addition, the software platform was deployed among PSI enterprises. Revenue from the license as a criterion for standardizing the solutions developed by PSI in 2013 increased by 12% to 19.4 million euros (2012: 17.4 million euros), the expected turnover increased by 6% to 42.9 million euros (2012: 40.6 million euros).

The "cash flow" of current business activity, despite the overall drop in indicators, fell only slightly to 0.1 million euros (2012: 0.8 million euros), and liquidity at the end of the year - to 21.8 million euros (31.12.2012: 33.3 million euros), which, as before, is enough to finance organic growth and targeted acquisitions. The board will make a proposal to the general meeting not to pay dividends.

In the electricity and logistics sector, PSI has restructured branches, staffing and management. After taking measures, the risks in the projects are largely settled, so that in 2014, it is planned to develop existing and new clients. Despite this, the management adheres to the forecast for the third quarter of 2014 with an operating profit of 12 million euros and an increase in turnover from 5 to 10%.


In fiscal 2010, PSI, according to preliminary estimates, improved its economic performance (EBIT) by 22% and reached 9.5 million euros (in 2009: 7.8 million euros). The company's pre-depreciation performance (EBITDA) also increased by 22% and reached EUR 13.9 million (2009: EUR 11.4 million). The group's turnover grew by 8% and amounted to more than 158 million euros (2009:147 million euros), and the volume of orders increased by 18% and reached 177 million euros (2009:150 million euros).

In FY2010, the maximum limit was reached for investing a single corporate technical base and starting its implementation in target industries. The development of new export software versions and a control room for raw materials production enterprises contributed their share to the success. Compared to previous years, investments in scientific research and development of software and technologies aimed at increasing the efficiency of the use of energy and raw materials in energy networks and industrial solutions increased by 40%. The share of exports from the total volume of orders already in 2010 exceeded the level of 50%.

Cash flow in current financial and economic activities increased to 13.1 million euros (in 2009: 4.4 million euros), and liquidity, despite the initial payment of dividends, at the end of the year increased to 28.9 million euros (31.12.2009: 20.8 million euros). The board will issue a slightly larger dividend proposal. PSI tracks buyout and investment opportunities for companies operating in the "smart grid" segment and providing solutions to increase energy efficiency in the transport sector.

In 2011, PSI plans to receive orders in the amount of 185 million, an increase in turnover to a level exceeding 170 million euros, as well as an improvement in economic performance to 13-15 million euros. By increasing the number of license orders, these tasks can be significantly overfulfilled.