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Research institute of a reprography (Federal State Unitary Enterprise NIIR)


Federal state unitary enterprise "Research Institute of a Reprography"

The research institute of a reprography is created in 1975 for ensuring works on creation of insurance fund of documentation on the most important products of various sectors of the economy.


Since 1995 on the federal state unitary enterprise "Research Institute of a Reprography" functions of parent organization on scientific and technical ensuring creation, preserving and use of the uniform Russian insurance fund of documentation (URIFD) are assigned to objects of the increased risk, to objects of national property and objects of life support systems of the population and also to documentation which is national scientific, cultural and historical heritage and also on development and production of the equipment for hardware of objects of the Russian insurance fund of documentation, the organization of its repair and service and also issue of quality certificates of microfilms of fund. Research and production activity of institute is also directed to effective implementation of these tasks now.

The enterprise works in several directions. The electronic and micrographic (hybrid) technologies giving in combination with classical microfilming powerful benefits in processes of storage and use of information are found, technically proved and implemented in production during creation and service of insurance fund of documentation.

For the purpose of development and deployment of advanced technologies in 2005 for the first time in the CIS the cross-industry specialized laboratory of an electronic reprography with the equipment providing implementation of all basic technology processes of electronic microfilming is created and put in operation based on institute:

  • scanning (creation of electronic images of paper carriers of documents)
  • scanning of documents from microforms, computer microfilming of electronic images of documents.

Technology processes electronic improvements of quality of documents, obtaining paper copies of electronic images of documents, color-splitted microfilming and reproduction of full-color documents from black-and-white microfilms are fulfilled and implemented in production. For the purpose of accomplishment of a problem of modernization creation of the interdepartmental center of electronic insurance microfilming and maintenance of uniform Russian insurance fund of documentation is provided.

The interdepartmental Center will allow to provide with the smallest finance costs satisfaction of the growing requirements of the enterprises of the Central part of Russia for creation of insurance information resources on the basis of modern electronic and micrographic technologies.