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Ural key company


Since 1993
Ural Federal District of the Russian Federation
Big Source
620041, Sverdlov St., 37a, p.o. box 214

Wholesale supplies of locks, door accessories and hardware.


  • Activity of the company began in 1993 with small trading company which quickly extended the activity to the territory of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region.

  • The organization in 2003 of release of own products under the PACE trademark became logical continuation of development of the company that allowed it to get a foothold in the federal market key and hardware of Russia.

  • For February, 2015 under trademarks of company "ALLYuR", "AVANGARD", "STANDART" key hardware more than 1000 names is issued. These are locks cut-in, laid on, hinged, door loops, secret mechanisms, eyes and so forth.

Partners of the Company are the wholesale and small wholesale trade operators, the construction organizations, producers of wooden and metal doors located both in the territory of the Russian Federation, and in the territory of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.

In addition to production and sales of products of own brands, the company is also the representative of the largest domestic manufacturers of key hardware, such as: Elbor, Zenit, PROSAM, Senate, Kerberos, ChAZ, The Guardian, Selmash, etc.

The range of the company for February, 2015 makes about 5,500 names of goods from which 1,800 key products, more than 2000 positions of door and window accessories, over 500 names of household goods, plumbing fixtures and the tool.

  • Due to the permanent expansion of economic communications and increase in commodity turnover, in 2008 the company organizes own logistic base, the space for which selected the platform from the item. A big Source – the closest suburb of Yekaterinburg which is on intersection of the main traffic flows (The Tyumen, Chelyabinsk path, EKAD, Novokoltsovskaya Road).

For February, 2015 the total area of the operating warehouse and office spaces of the company is 4500 kvm, new warehouse modules, and construction queues are put.

  • 2013 – 20 summer anniversary of the company