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Vietnam Silicon Valley Silicon Valley of Vietnam



2020: Creation of Vietnam Silicon Valley

At the beginning of June, 2020 the municipal government of Ho Chi Minh submitted plans for development of the big process area which received the name Vietnam Silicon Valley ("Silicon Valley of Vietnam").

Three east districts of Ho Chi Minh - the park of high technologies, the university district of Chu Duke and the planned city and financial center - form "the innovation urban area". These plans appeared at city administration after the meeting with the prime minister of Vietnam at the beginning of May, 2020. The integrated district conditionally call "east city".

Vietnam creates the Silicon Valley

It was originally going to turn Ho Chi Minh into the smart city by 2020 to use scientific research and the latest technologies for problem solving which the fast-growing megalopolis faces: fast demographic boom, inadequate planning and management of the city, insufficient scope of health care and public transport, management of pollution.

As a result plans of administration addressed new generation of "technical specialists" of Vietnam: to local entrepreneurs who create the technology companies in Ho Chi Minh. Here lower operating costs and also cheaper labor power in the field of IT services contribute to their development.

East city should include modern residential arrays, a part of business and financial center of the city and also resources of the local polytechnical university. It is possible that such combination will attract talented young people, and "the city in the city" will begin to develop quickly.

The project lacks yet resources which more developed country can offer. But with institutional support of the prime minister and local authorities the project can attract considerable investments and will advocate the interests of fellow citizens on the technology arena.[1]

