Volgograd State Academy of Post-qualifying Education (VSAPQE)
The public autonomous educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists "Volgograd state academy of post-qualifying education" (further – state autonomous educational institution of DPO "VGAPO") is created by change like the existing state-funded educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists "Volgograd state academy of advanced training and retraining of educators" on the basis of the government decree of the Volgograd region of June 24, 2013 No. 303-p "About creation of the public autonomous educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists "The Volgograd state academy of post-qualifying education".
Implements programs:
- training of research and educational personnel;
- additional general education programs, including: the additional all-developing programs for children and for adults;
- additional preprofessional programs in the field of arts, physical culture and sport for children;
- programs of professional training, including: programs of professional training for professions of workers and employees; programs of advanced training of workers and employees.