Volgograd state agricultural university
Science and education
Since 1944
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
400002, Universitetsky Ave, 26
Since 1944
Southern Federal District of the Russian Federation
400002, Universitetsky Ave, 26
On July 17, 1944 the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR decided to open in 1944 in the city of Uryupinsk the Stalingrad agricultural institute as a part of 4 faculties: agronomical, zootechnical, veterinary and faculty of mechanization of agriculture with the contingent of acceptance on the first courses of 400 people. Opening of institute took place on October 14, 1944. In 1967 at the Volgograd agricultural institute the military department which let out so far more than 25000 officers-gunners of a stock was open, since 2008 it is one of 68 military departments operating in the territory of Russia and only not only in Volgograd, but also in all North Caucasus Military District. In 1994 the university received the status of academy. In 2012 the status of the university - the modern name is received.