VSAU (Voronezh State Agricultural University of a name of the emperor Peter I)
Since 1912
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
394087, Michurin St., 1
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2019: The agreement with Softline in the field of digitalization
On November 14, 2019 Softline reported that together with Voronezh state agricultural university signed the cooperation agreement. Partners intend to develop education in the field of digitalization, a message joint scientifically- research and cultural activity.
Within the agreement of Softline and VSAU plan implementation of joint educational, research and scientific and technical projects, to interact in the course of professional training and employment of graduates, development and program implementation the practician and training of students of IT specialties in structural divisions of the company. During signing of the document Roman Selivanov, the Head of Department on work with the state and academic organizations Softline in the CFD, emphasized that the company is ready including to take part in the organization of industry actions for representatives of the agrarian sector and creation based on the university of the Center of training at which will be able to develop competences on work with modern technologies both students of university, and representatives of the state organizations.
Projects in the field of education and development of relationship with educational institutions are a priority for Softline. The company is many years an IT partner of Voronezh State Agricultural University, and agreement signature will allow us to expand interaction in the field of educational actions. Our experts are ready to cooperate closely with students of university, passing on it own experience and involving representatives of large developer companies. And competences of Softline training center can be useful in development of the training programs for a public sector, in particular, of rates on work with import-substituting technologies, |
The rector of Voronezh State Agricultural University Nikolay Bukhtoyarov in conclusion of agreement signature hoped for further successful and effective cooperation for the benefit of both parties and emphasized that he considers the company the reliable IT partner of university.
As of August, 2016 at 9 faculties of VSAU training in 32 specialties is conducted. Specialists are trained by 635 teachers of 60 departments. Among them 93 doctors of science, professors, 417 candidates of science and 287 associate professors. For lifetime of university about 75 thousand specialists of agrarian and industrial complex are trained. The system of pre-university preparation at 35 basic schools of the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions is organized. Educational and a work practice of students is held based on Experimental station, the Botanical garden, an uchkhoz of Berezovskoye, the advanced enterprises.
Widely new educational technologies and a quality management system are implemented. 1068 computers are involved in a single information network of VSAU. Actively the systems of computer testing, distance learning, technology multimedia are implemented. The scientific library has over 1 million books.
Scientific achievements
For the last 5 years scientists of the agrouniversity within research works:
- 59 technologies and 38 new types of the equipment are developed, 7 sorts and 3 breeds are displaid, 114 patents are taken out;
- in 5 dissertation councils 39 doctor's and 297 master's theses are defended;
- 124 monographs, 29 textbooks, 531 manuals, 63 collections of scientific works, 12 releases VSAU Bulletin, 5824 articles are published;
- economic contracts and grants of the Russian Federal Property Fund, RGNF, Start fund, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, regional administration for the amount more than 55 million rubles are executed;
- in tender according to the program ("U.M.N.I.K.") of 8 young people of scientists became winners, and in the All-Russian tender for the best student's scientific work among agrarian universities of our 6 students became the best.