Voronezh medical information and analytical center (MIAC)
Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Since 2003
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
394026, Vareykis St. 70
Since 2003
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
394026, Vareykis St. 70
Budget institution of health care of the Voronezh region "Voronezh medical information and analytical center"
Department of health care of the Voronezh region
+ Department of health care of the Voronezh region
Main activities of State Healthcare Institution "Voronezh medical information and analytical center":
- development and implementation of concepts and programs of informatization of health care of the Voronezh region,
- the analysis and forecasting of the processes and the phenomena connected with the state of health of the person
- development of offers on increase in efficiency of activity of health facilities.
VMIATs executes technical maintenance of actions for increase in business and professional qualification of employees of health facilities, acceptance and granting in relevant organs of the government of summary state and industry medical statistic reports, operational information support of governing bodies of health care of the Voronezh region.