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2019/07/05 08:15:47


Given the influence of the Internet on all aspects of economic life, it can be seen as a source of the emergence of a new electronic economy, characterized by extremely rapid growth, the creation of new opportunities for production and business activity, and job growth. Active economic activity on the Internet or using its capabilities has led to the emergence of a new concept - e-commerce.


Defining E-Commerce

Taking into account that business is any activity, including one-time, aimed at making a profit, e-commerce should be considered as a form of business, realized in large part through the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies and systems into business processes.

Commerce is a type of business activity related to trade and organizational operations aimed at carrying out the process of buying and selling goods and providing services for profit.

Merchant accounts on the Internet are online stores and online auctions. Often, the company organizes the sale of goods and services on its website without creating a separate online store.

E-Commerce Models

Among the e-commerce models, the following are distinguished:

  • B2B (Business to Business)
  • B2C (Business to Consumer)
  • B2G (Bussiness to Goverment)
    • B2A (Bussiness to Administration)

  • C2C (Consumer to Consumer)
  • G2B (Goverment to Bussiness)

    • A2B (Administration to Bussiness)

The B2B and B2C e-commerce models are the main ones today, since they provide most of the transactions on the Internet.

B2B (Business to Business) - both the seller and the buyer of the service are commercial organizations. This group includes electronic markets and intra-organization systems, where the Internet is used to organize interaction between departments of the same enterprise. Most of all transactions made today fall on this model.

B2C (Business to Consumer) - the seller of a product or service is a commercial enterprise, and the consumer is a private person.

Market segments

Merchandise Trading (online retail)

Trade in services

Includes the sale of transport tickets, hotel reservations, etc.

Content Trading

Includes the sale of video content, music, books, etc.

Electronic payments

Selling drugs on the Internet in Russia

2021: Global Retail Online Sales Shares

As of 2021

2020: The State Duma allowed the sale of prescription drugs via the Internet

On April 1, 2020, the State Duma in the third reading adopted a law on the online sale of drugs. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, with the exception of narcotic and psychotropic drugs, as well as alcohol-containing drugs with a volume share of ethyl alcohol of more than 25%. Read more here.


US E-Commerce Software Platforms Market Share

US E-Commerce Software Platforms Market Share

Traffic from social networks to online stores is growing rapidly in the United States

2018: e-commerce's share of global sales reaches 13%

According to the analytical agency Statista, the share of e-commerce in total global sales has almost doubled in four years: from 7.4% in 2015 to 13.7% in 2019. More and more new consumer groups are included in online trading every year. Today, 1.9 billion of almost 4.4 billion Internet users make online purchases , which is 45% more than in 2014.

Top 5 countries - leaders in terms of retail e-commerce (b2c), 2018:

1. China - $629.5 billion

2. US - $501 billion

3. UK - $86.2 billion

4. Japan - $81.6 billion

5. Germany - $70.3 billion

In general, the Asia-Pacific region accounts for 80% of the world's e-commerce volume, and in the near future the geography of the distribution of shares is unlikely to change.

Dynamics of total retail sales (red) and online sales (gray) in the USA in 2007-2018

According to Data Insight for 2018, the volume of the Russian Internet sales market is $23.8 billion.

The global trend of the e-commerce market was the heyday of the "industrial" revolution in sales to b2b customers. Since 2016, players in the global b2b e-commerce market have begun to move away from the manager's "manual personal sales" to the system of multifunctional personal accounts in b2b online stores. By 2021, their heyday in Russia is expected.

The online trading sector b2b has an extremely high capacity. For owners of online sites, b2b clients are a more marginal and low-risk segment, promising in terms of long-term cooperation. And retail, despite its impressive volumes and pace of development, will gradually give up its position.

The global e-commerce volume of the b2b segment is almost four times more than online sales to retail customers.


Share of online sales in global retail chain revenue

According to RAEK: 1238 billion rubles in 2016. Growth in 2017 + 21% [1]

According to RAEX, the key factor hindering the development of the electronic inter-corporate trade market in Russia is the uncertainty associated with the reform of the state regulation system. This opinion is shared by 54% of the surveyed market participants. Respondents call market saturation the second most important factor (as 27% of respondents believe). Weak investment demand from companies and stagnation in the economy, as well as the low level of quality of services of electronic trading platforms, are the most important factors that have a negative impact, the absolute minority believes (8 and 11%, respectively).

According to the survey, the consolidation of services and the reduction in the number of electronic trading platforms operators will positively affect the ETP market. This is the opinion of the majority (54%) of the surveyed market participants and operators. Nevertheless, a significant proportion (35%) of respondents are of the opposite opinion. Only 12% believe that the possible consolidation will not have a significant impact on the development of the electronic market.

The survey participants did not agree on the impact that the existing system of state regulation has on the introduction of technological innovations in the electronic inter-corporate market. 42% of surveyed operators and market participants believe that this impact is negative. Exactly the same number of respondents believe that the existing system of state regulation stimulates the introduction of technological innovations. And only 15% are confident that the state regulation system does not affect the technological development of the infrastructure of the inter-corporate electronic market.

The majority of the conference participants surveyed (60%) believe that technological innovations will ensure the progressive, evolutionary development of the existing ETP services market. At the same time, there is a large share of operators and players in the inter-corporate e-commerce market who expect revolutionary changes on it under the influence of the introduction of technological innovations - this opinion is shared by 28% of respondents. A minority (12%) of respondents are confident that the hobby for new technologies is caused by fashion and neither operators nor participants in the electronic market need them.


According to the study "Runet Economics 2012-2013," conducted by RAEK and the Higher School of Economics. The sphere of e-commerce in Russia was investigated in 4 segments: online retail in the amount of 284.96 billion rubles; electronic payments in the amount of 268.7 billion rubles, as well as the digital content market on the Internet (video, music, books), which amounted to 5.07 billion rubles. The online travel segment reached RUB 153.20 billion, an increase of 40% year-on-year and a 29% growth forecast in 2013.


The e-commerce market in Russia is informational closed, since most e-commerce organizations are not public companies. According to NAUET estimates, the volume of the e-commerce market in 2007 grew by 30% and amounted to $7.9 billion. The retail sector sold $3.25 billion worth of goods and services over the Internet in 2007. This is 56% more than in 2006. The volume of electronic auctions in the B2B (business-to-business) segment for the year increased by 32% and amounted to $2.288 billion. E-commerce in the public sector increased by 4% - to $2.368 billion. This amount includes requests for quotations and electronic auctions. Their volume amounted to $890 million.

According to the forecast of NAUET in 2008, the e-commerce market in Russia will grow by 30% compared to 2007 to more than $10 billion.

See also


  1. The "Runet Economy" study has been conducted on an annual basis since 2011. According to the results of the presentation of the study in September 2016, it was decided to change the name of the annual study to 'Runet Economics/Digital Economy Ecosystem Russia.
  • "Plastic Cards "/ed. BDC-Press, 2005
  • Lenta.ru