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Military industrial complex

Technology News by Month

This year
December ^

- The U.S. Army became the largest user of Red Hat OS

- The enterprises of Avtomatika concern were connected to Exchange of the capacities

- Rostec developed the minicomputer for a telecom and the industry

- In IBS searches were connected to the case connected with SAP and Ural Carriage-Building Plant

November ^

- Rostec provided the new system of counteraction to UAVs

- Roselectronics will create the first domestic production of microwave switches for satellites

- Development of Rostec will allow to transfer reliably confidential data on public service networks

- The Avtomatika concern transferred to the Tyumen region computers based on Elbrus processors

- Cardinal Health will deliver to the Pentagon the medical equipment for $2.25 billion

October ^

- Rostec developed the radar for detection of miniature drones

- South African Denel Military Industrial Complex Company announces a loss of $125 million

September ^

- Turbine jets of United Engine Corporation will get "digital doubles"

- The Russia army bought the protected notebooks from Ruselectronics. Photo

- Remove hard cash and pay the credit in the truck. Provided to the Russian military mobile ATMs

- The Pentagon ordered from Philips the IT system for storage and transfer of medical pictures

- US Navy prints barracks on the 3D-printer. 500 sq.m in 40 hours

August ^

- Pentagon buys cloud services of Microsoft for $7.6 billion

- OAK and Digit signed the agreement on cooperation in the field of digital technologies

- MiG did not pay 65 million to the Russian telecom developer for "iron" of Huawei

June ^

- "The multifunction integrated communication complex" passed the state tests on the Baltic Fleet of the VTR of Russia

- US Navy began to use energy-based drone destruction system

- US Army is adopting a robot that transports soldiers in a combat zone.

- "Helicopters of Russia" in 2019 about 30 parts using 3D - printings are going to execute reengineering

- Mikron created a "smart" cabinet – the RFID system of safe custody

- Rostec provided export option of the wearable station of radio engineering investigation

- The U.S. Army began to publish audiobooks for soldiers

- Termolazer provided a mobile laser complex for thermal hardening of surfaces of parts

- Schwab provided modification of the detector of Pine watch facilities

- Rusbitech provided the virtual exercise machine for training in firing

- Provided to Varton an intelligent system of automation and object management of Awada

- Rostec provided Sapsan-Bekas — a mobile complex of counteraction to drones

January ^

- "Ruselectronics" provided a complex of educational and training means with points of virtual reality for military

- Pentagon developed laser which identifies the person on heartbeat

- Ruselectronics showed the upgraded radar station of control of territories Forpost-M

- Germany and Holland create the first-ever joint military Internet

- Rostec showed work of a complex of counteraction to cyber attacks

- Rostec provided a complex for creation of digital copies of the shot bullets and sleeves

- Rostec developed a portable meteorological station of SMP-1

- Rostec presented the station of radio engineering investigation POST-3М

- Russia created the prospecting drone looking like owl

- Ruselectronics developed the all-weather thermal imager

- American army decided to implement new GPS which "cannot be muffled"

- "Helicopters of Russia" and "1C" signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of information technology

- "Project practice" developed a project management methodology for Helicopters of Russia holding

- Medtronic won the contract of the Pentagon for delivery of the medical equipment for $150 million

May ^

- Pentagon signed the contract for implementation of machine learning in the system of admission to state secret

- Axis Communications provided the Axis A8207-VE video on-door speakerphone

- "R.O.S. Spetstekhmontazh" upgrades workshop of the enterprise of Ural Carriage-Building Plant

- Pentagon ordered development of a suit of the fighter which enters drugs to the wounded

- Prof-IT Group automated procurement management at Kazan Helicopter Plant

- Ruselectronics of the beginning production of mobile points of investigation and fire control "Rheostat-1"

- Pentagon buys contact lenses with augmented reality

April ^

- Ruselectronics upgraded a laboratory field complex for troops of RHBZ

- The Pentagon will buy from Canon of a system of visualization for $100 million

- Rostec implements a numerical control system labor protection

- Honeywell updated software for change management of Honeywell Trace R130

- Rostec's material chameleon for "future soldier" equipment will be used in advertizing and design

- Philips Healthcare received the purchase order of control systems of patients for $450 million from the Pentagon

March ^

- Pentagon launches cloud data storage for military

- Losses of countries in the First World War. Card

- Pentagon creates not cracked open source voting system

- The army of the Russian Federation creates the closed Internet

- Abbott concluded with the Pentagon $35-million the development contract of diagnostic aids of ChMT

February ^

- Pentagon announced $8.2 billion contract for updating office software

- United Engine Corporation simplified work of office using the intelligent Directum Ario tool

- Businessavtomatika developed GPS теркеры for defense industry complex

- Boeing and Pentagon signed $43 million contract to create robotic super subs

January ^

- The Eaton Xiria Family series underwent certification of FGC UES

- The Pentagon involved BAE Systems in software development for self-propelled artillery cannons for $0.5 billion

- Friendship of Microsoft and Pentagon grows stronger. The new contract for $1.8 billion is signed

December ^

- Mobile DPC of Rosatom - the digital supercomputer SUV

- In the Russian army the system of remote mining by means of programmable ammunition appeared

- The Pentagon will pay Philips millions for technology of instant identification COVID-19 at military

- A step closer to thermonuclear synthesis: first module of world`s most powerful laser launched in Sarov, Russia

- Delivered to Spectec the system of providing the Arctic ice breaker with operation

November ^

- At the Tambov powder mill start production of medical gloves for 1.5 billion rubles

- VNIIEF purchased the protected licenses "MyOffice" for use on objects of KII

- The VTR tested underwater communication from IVA Technologies

- The Pentagon buys the infusional pumps Baxter on tens of millions

- Ruselectronics developed a complex of management of pyrotechnics on a radio channel

- Rostec provided the upgraded headset for a talk under water

- In Kalashnikov Group - the new Deputy CEO for IT and cyber security

October ^

- The government of Britain invests £147 million in upgrade of production to the Industry 4.0

- The Pentagon paid $149 million SpaceX for creation of satellites for tracking of rockets

September ^

- The scientific research institute of Precise instruments completed implementation of a code analyzer of the Solar appScreener applications

- TAdviser issued the card of the market of suppliers of IT solutions for the industry

- Headed DARPA the native of Samsung and Intel

- PwC: defense of the countries should use a blockchain for three reasons

- Rostec and Rostelecom will create a uniform digital circuit for domestic aircraft industry

- Lockheed Martin signed the contract for creation of grouping of satellites with the Pentagon

August ^

- The Pentagon selected $11.7 billion for elimination of unnecessary components of IT infrastructure

- Russia provided a smart system for management of formations of robots

- "Kalashnikov" provided the Russia's first smart gun. It is connected to smartphones

- The resident of the Technopolice Moscow SEZ developed the system of protection of perimeter using AI

- PTC creates for US Navy of digital doubles of the fleet for tracking of deliveries of spare parts

June ^

- Stryker will supply to the Pentagon endoscopic the equipment for $225 million

- The Pentagon appointed the new Chief Data Officer

- The Pentagon paid the companies of $1.6 billion for development of vaccine against a coronavirus

- Rostec delivered the upgraded communication complex for the surface ships and Navy vessels

- "Schwabe" announced release on the market of a new sight for civil weapon

- US Navy completed the largest project of transfer of infrastructure in a cloud

- The RTI provided a method of detection of "invisible" objects

January ^

- KRET will spend 250 million rubles for transportation of the fires of ventilators withdrawn later

- Prof-IT Group automated management of a MRO for the Sosensky instrument-making plant

May ^

- Protection against UAVs of Avtomatika Concern will be integrated into an end-to-end system of security of RSVO

- Pentagon ordered development of a suit of the fighter which enters drugs to the wounded

- GE provided the robot worm, digging tunnels for military

- The Pentagon implements a blockchain for protection of confidential data

- Rostec and ВЭБ.РФ will construct 25 garbage plants for 600 billion rubles

April ^

- The Pentagon buys 39 million respirators from 3M and Honeywell for $133 million

- 90% of staff of Helicopters of Russia are provided with an opportunity to work far off

- The U.S. Army created the drone helicopter for start from a grenade launcher

- Intel headed the project of the Pentagon on protection of military against cyber attacks to the systems of machine learning

- Rostec transfers to online of the program of advanced training of employees

- During creation of the Russian fighting robots stole 29 million rubles

- Provided to Boeing the robot plane covering fighting fighters

- Import substitution of OSRV - The built-in real-time operating systems

- The USA signed the delivery contract of 8 thousand ventilators with four medical technical-companies

March ^

- Goodyear starts a blockchain system for delivery of buses by the US military man

- The Pentagon puts to orbit the satellite for $1.5 billion for the organization of military communication

- In Russia production of the first ultrasonography devices of an expert class with domestic software began

- Smart cards readers of JCR721 are compatible to Lotus OS

- The USA provided the smart submarine which can attack without order of military

- Igor Karavayev headed Management systems

February ^

- Alexander Nazarov was a part of the Government commission on digital development

- In Russia a VR helmet for working off of parachute jump is created

- In the USA cyborgs grasshoppers begin to be used for explosive search

- Group will create the digital platform of predictive analytics for "Sukhoy"

- RTI represents a demonstration sample of the Examination complex

- US Navy implements a blockchain system for message exchange

- Lantana Technologies will transfer work of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with personal accounts on Elbrusa

January ^

- Russian Helicopters Introduced Information System for Managing Technological Development Plan

- UEC — Saturn personnel department is equipped with an electronic queue of the NeuroniQ system

- Accenture signed the IT contract for $7.5 billion with the Pentagon

December ^

- Created the world's first drone with laser weapons

- Schwabe created a thermal imaging sight based on a high-resolution matrix

- UAC, MiG and Sukhoi unite

November ^

- Deliveries of Superkalashnikovs began

October ^

- In Russia, created a system for recognizing weapons with video cameras

- In the United States, presented a combat robot with weapons on its back

- US Air Force began using virtual reality to prevent suicide

September ^

- In Russia, created the first perimeter security system with combat robots

- In Israel, presented a military robot. He can carry the wounded and fire machine guns

- Aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Defense began to equip the Kasatka search and targeting complex with an AI-system for recognizing objects

- RTI Group presented PAC "Smart Garrison"

August ^

- Presented production management system "Galaxy AMM" on DBMS Postgres Pro

- In Russia, began to train the production of ammunition in virtual reality

- New Kalashnikov CEO appointed

June ^

- In Russia, created an unmanned version of the Armata tank

- The Pentagon finally abandoned the $10 billion cloud mega-contract, which Microsoft won

January ^

- Pentagon begins to use laser to transfer data from space to drones

- Rostec introduced a video monitoring system with AI for the fleet

- Automatics Concern Introduced UAV Manual Countermeasure Complex

- Combat drones began to track down and attack the enemy without human intervention

May ^

- Russia will build a new aircraft carrier for 500 billion rubles

April ^

- Rostec handed over to Kalashnikov the developer of the equipment of the soldier of the future

- SKTB PR delivered sapper robots for Russian power structures

- US Army introduces military facial recognition system at checkpoint

- Microsoft will deliver the US Army 120 thousand augmented reality headsets for $21.9 billion

March ^

- Rostec will automate quality control systems at its production facilities

- Next Mobile SIM cards are used in Antison devices

- How the military use virtual reality to train the composition

February ^

- Rostec introduces an IT system for controlling employees for 23 million rubles

- "Control Systems" and the Institute of System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences begin cooperation in the field of innovation

- The Russian fighting Blow robot learned to be at war on an automatic pilot and to interact with drones

January ^

- How to automate management on defense industry enterprises: overview of the GOZ ACS tools

- The Pentagon was headed for the first time by the Afro-American

- Evgeny Abakumov became a member of the Expert Council under the Ministry of Digital Science

December ^

- The unfinished building of Rosoboronexport in Moscow was sold for 3 billion rubles. Housing will be built there

November ^

- US Navy will pay $154,000 to install hundreds of thousands of pirated copies of 3D modeling software

- The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the first time showed the use of the Mosquito UAV as part of a special operation in Ukraine

- Iranian Navy receives new drones with 2,000 km range

- A flying kamikaze drone has been created that knows how to hide and attack only armed people

- Taiwan shows future kamikaze drones

- In Russia, created a combat helmet with support for augmented reality

- Submarine "Ufa" replenished the Navy

- US Navy nuclear engineer and his wife get 20 years in prison for trying to sell nuclear submarine secrets

- An ultralight helmet made of composite armor was created in Russia

- The IT infrastructure of the defense giant Thales has been infiltrated by a ransomware virus. Hackers demand ransom

- Britain has £100m high-energy laser weapon

- Iran successfully launches its first three-stage launch vehicle

- A hacker from the DPR hacked into the American control program of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

October ^

- In Russia, created software to help drones look for mines and unexploded ordnance

- Ex-Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman created a company for the production of batteries

- Mass production of civilian drones started in St. Petersburg

- Unmanned artillery tower presented to destroy swarms of drones

- In Russia, created the first anti-sniper system on remote control

- US ground forces allowed to use personal smartphones

- US Navy commissioned a new aircraft carrier for $13 billion

- Chernyshenko reported about 70 thousand requests for volunteers in state services to participate in the North-West Military Public services in Ukraine

September ^

- The Russian robot "" was equipped with a kamikaze drone "BAS-80"

- The Russian Ministry of Defense has created a department of digital analytics

- The Vega concern, which is developing aviation and space systems, has replaced the general director

- Production of Ka-32A11M helicopters with night vision goggles, autopilot and many displays launched in Russia

- The United States delivered Excalibur GPS-guided shells to Ukraine

August ^

- The United States delivered Ukraine Boeing drones capable of continuously flying 18 hours

- UK and Norway hand over military drones weighing 18 grams to Ukraine

- "Rostec" presented a system for protecting equipment from high-precision missiles

- Kalashnikov began to supply smart targets for testing new small arms

- A gyrocopter with guided anti-tank missiles on board was introduced in China. Video

- Taiwan delivered 800 "flying mortars" to Ukraine

- Roselectronics showed equipment for aiming anti-aircraft systems using aviation

- Russian military drone "Dandelion," resistant to precipitation and gusts of wind, presented

- KRET created systems disorganizing Turkish Bayraktar drones

- Presented Russian satellite communication stations for the military without GLONASS and GPS

- The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation purchased the first Sarmat intercontinental missiles

- In Russia, presented a domestic robot with a grenade launcher

- Pentagon begins search for contractors to integrate technology for soldier on battlefield

- "Rostec" presented an exoskeleton for the military

- Russian hackers posted data of Lockheed Martin employees on the Internet

- The second stage of business process automation in Promete has ended

- The Russian corporation entered the top 40 most profitable defense companies in the world

June ^

- In a special operation in Ukraine, for the first time used the most long-range rifle in the world "Dusk"

- The world's largest nuclear submarine Dmitry Donskoy is being disposed of

- Russia began to use a robot sapper in Ukraine on a tank chassis

- Russia uses remote-controlled robot machine gun in Ukraine

- Rosenergoatom purchased 2030 licenses for the right to use the Russian nanoCAD 21 Platform

- Russia began to use anti-drone guns "Stupor" in Ukraine

- How to engage in digitalization in the new reality? Overview of the main reports of TAdviser SummIT 2022

- NATO creates $1 billion venture capital fund to invest in tech startups

- US military presented the concept of combat use of information

January ^

- The United States handed over howitzers without GPS to Ukraine in order to avoid them getting to Russia

- South Korea becomes the seventh country in the world with satellites in orbit

- Rostec announced the successful use of anti-drone guns in Ukraine

May ^

- SOCAR-STP has implemented a production ERP system SyteLine

- Russia has created a laser that destroys drones from 5 km

- Production of Turkish combat drones capable of flying at an altitude of 9 km begins in Kazakhstan

- The CIA has a technical director. He became a former Pentagon AI expert

April ^

- The Vega Concern is included in the register of IT companies

- Israel sells record volume of weapons

- Mobile public warning complex "Roselektroniki" successfully passed state tests

March ^

- Rostec introduced a working prototype of a hybrid reality simulator for the military

January ^

- In the United States, they fired smart pistols with scanners that allow only owners to shoot

December ^

- China decided to involve PMCs to protect interests abroad

- Russian armored vehicles began to be equipped with drone jammers

- Russia has created a system for detecting drones the size of a pigeon flying at a speed of 250 km/h

- Crimean company "Roboavia" is building a drone production plant in Rostov-on-Don for 0.5 billion rubles

November ^

- 2 new nuclear submarines built for billions of rubles transferred to the Russian Navy

- Former top manager of Rostec received 8 years in prison for regular bribes in exchange for patronage of an artificial fiber plant

- Gun maker Colt buys Remington rifle company for $1.74 billion

- The manufacturer of kamikdze drones "Lancet" presented a new combat drone - with homing at 200 km

- Russian troops received a tank machine gun with a video camera for accurate shooting from 1 km

- Russian troops began using the Scalpel kamikaze drone. He is "obedient" and costs 300 thousand rubles

- Named 7 main directions of digital transformation of machine tools

- Roselectronics presented a modernized air defense control complex

- Russian kamikaze drones "Lancet" have learned to bypass anti-drone nets

- Pentagon uses bloggers to attract new soldiers

- The United States failed tests of the country's first mine-based intercontinental ballistic missile. It was created by Boeing

- Smart weapon is presented that does not shoot in the head

October ^

- A Russian complex is presented to identify cheap small drones in the air. It will also be exported

- A tank with missile protection using a radar system has been created in Russia

- Dragonfly sapper drone capable of remotely detonating mines created in Russia

- Presented a Russian combat robot with a movable machine gun

- Eleron-7 reconnaissance drone with thermal imaging camera developed in Russia

- Appointed a new general director of the Research Institute of Automatic Equipment named after Semenikhin, who creates military IT solutions

- A UAV armed with a pistol is presented

- A robot for destroying drones with a cloud of tungsten striking elements is presented. Video

- Russia has developed a high-speed drone "Tube" to destroy artillery in the depths of the front

- The state arms program in the Russian Federation for the first time provides for a separate section on AI

- Konstantin Boltrukevich appointed Deputy General Director of TransTeleCom for System Integration and Digital Platforms

September ^

- The Russian was given 12.5 years in prison for supplying components for anti-aircraft missile systems and radar weapons to the United States

- Unmanned tow truck of wounded fighters created in Russia

- For 9 years, products worth 304 million rubles were stolen from the developer of devices for radar stations NPP "Istok"

- US Army resumes use of Microsoft AR headsets under $22 billion contract

- Pentagon IT Support Ranked Worst in US Government

- IoT platform for arms and military facilities management created in Russia

August ^

- Rosatom began to build an electronics test center in the Urals, including for spacecraft

- Russia has created a microphone system for recognizing drones by sound within a radius of 1 km with 94% accuracy

- Russian military received a system for protecting tanks from FPV drones "Triton"

- The US Air Force recognized the failure of the ARRW hypersonic missile project and curtails it. Russia is still far away

- Russian military gets new anti-drone guns that detect drones from 1km

- Russian troops received the first automated air defense control systems "Master-SV"

- In Russia, presented an underwater drone "Harpsichord," capable of diving to a depth of 6 km

- "Rostec" presented a remote-controlled module for boats destroying sea drones

- Rostec presented new opportunities for counter-battery struggle

- Russian attack drone "Sirius" began to fly

- Rostec has shown new capabilities of the Acacia-E automated control system

- "Roselectronics" showed an automated control system for troops with expanded functionality

- Rostec presented the "Rat" complex with a full arsenal of means to combat drones

- In Russia, the production of a new gun "Sprut-SDM-1" with guided missiles capable of destroying any tanks begins

- Khrunichev Center introduced an ultralight launch vehicle

- Southeast Asian countries ordered UAV protection from Russia

- Russia has created a reusable Korona rocket that can return large objects from orbit to Earth

- In the US, created laser weapons with a capacity of 500 kW for aircraft

June ^

- Ex-deputy general director of the enterprise for the development of the IT system of rocket and space defense of Russia accused of giving a bribe

- Developers of the FPV drone "Ghoul" doubled the flight range

- In Russia, created a combat drone "Cuckoo," capable of carrying 3 ammunition

- A software and hardware complex has been created in Russia that turns any combat vehicles into robots

- For the first time, the Russian military used the Kornet anti-tank missile system with remote control. Video

- Exports of military equipment from Germany for the year fell by 1 billion euros

- Moscow allocated a grant to NPO Almaz to improve air defense systems to protect against drones after another drone attack

- Disposable reconnaissance drones launched with a rocket launcher presented in Russia

- Komar reconnaissance drone with stabilization system presented in Russia

January ^

- Dmitry Rogozin's IT special forces of the Tsarist Wolves military group tested a new UAV grenade launcher. VIDEO

- France has introduced a hypersonic guided combat glider. Video

- A kamikaze drone has been developed in Russia, which can be launched from a window at home

- In Russia, created means of countering drone boats

- Russian troops received a combat drone "Hello," which can be controlled from the basement

- Iran showed its first hypersonic ballistic missile "Fattah"

- MLRS with smart high-precision ammunition created in Russia

- In Russia, created a drone "Buttercup," resistant to electronic warfare. Video

May ^

- A Russian robot sapper is presented, which can be controlled at a distance of 1 km

- Rostec introduced high-precision laser rangefinders for space and navigation

- Kalashnikov launched a new unit for the production of kamikaze drones

- German tank manufacturer Rheinmetall admits that the company was attacked by hackers and revealed the name of the group

- Russian air defense system thanks to AI in combat conditions for the first time in the world automatically shot down enemy aircraft

- Roselectronics has launched the production of import-substituted patch cords for military equipment

- Belarus presented a mobile electronic warfare complex that suppresses drones at a distance of 30 km

- Belarusian mobile countermeasures complex of UAV "Peacemaker" shown

- Kalashnikov created the Kub-E kamikaze drone

- The Rostec structure has developed the Ptitselov anti-aircraft complex for the Airborne Forces

- Russian processors "Baikal" and "Elbrus" have risen sharply due to high demand

- FPV Drone Control Instructor Training Center Launched in Russia

- FPV drone production center launched in Zaporizhzhya region

- Designer of armored vehicle "Tiger" sentenced to 4 years in prison for fictitious employment of 5 people

- Kalashnikov launched the production of armored armor for schools and hospitals

April ^

- Rostec consolidates artillery plants in the Techmash concern

- German manufacturer of warships and the world's largest superyacht stopped work due to ransomware virus attack

- Chinese J-20 fighter jets to use supersonic drones instead of missiles

- The world's first aircraft carrier for combat drones entered service with the Turkish Navy

March ^

- In Russia, created an underwater drone "Skat" for reconnaissance and demining

- In Russia, developed a ground drone "Hedgehog" to destroy armored vehicles

- In Russia, created a technology capable of masking thermal objects from drones

- One of the largest developers of military IT solutions in the United States, Leidos, has replaced the CEO. It was the ex-top Rolls-Royce

- Concern "Kalashnikov" began deliveries of a modular pistol Lebedev

- Pentagon decided to use deepfakes to provide psychological impact on citizens of other countries

- Russia began to use Boomerang drones invisible to radar in Ukraine

- Russia began to use 1.5-ton barraging bombs with a navigation system in the SVO zone

- Turkey's largest defense company increases annual revenue by 75%

- For the Russian army created a bilateral disguise

- Arms exports from South Korea rise 140% in a year

- Production of combat drones began in Georgia

February ^

- Kalashnikov began mass production of Chukavin sniper rifle

- 16 NATO countries create a single satellite intelligence network

- DARPA has created artificial intelligence to control a fighter

- Russian MLRS "Tornado-G" received new guided ultra-long-range missiles

January ^

- Digitalization of industry: the largest IT suppliers, key trends and new priorities. TAdviser Overview

- Russia has developed a new way for the military to protect data from interception

- The Russian military has software that allows you to detect the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine using smartphones

November ^

- A Russian crawler robot "Veles," controlled by an FPV helmet, appeared in the SVO zone

- The Russian army received a kamikaze drone on the wheels of the "Mole"

- New CEO of United Engine Corporation appointed

- A Russian mobile complex for intercepting fast-flying drones has been presented. VIDEO

- The technological engineer of Uralvagonzavod was given 16 years in prison for treason

October ^

- Russia will develop an unparalleled processor for combat aviation. The price of the issue is about 6 billion rubles

- An overview of the salaries of the packer-stacker in production companies is presented

- Russian military drone "Black Thrush" with anti-tank missiles presented

- The first Russian Courier robots were put in the SVO zone. They shoot, mine and evacuate the wounded

- The Israeli army announced the purchase of a laser air defense system for $0.5 billion

- The Russian army began to use drone swarm technology in the North Caucasus Military District

- The volume of production of videos for production lines in Russia for the year increased by 16% and reached 6 billion rubles

- Russian kamikaze drones "Gadfly" with machine vision and self-destruction system began to be delivered to the SVO zone

- "Kalashnikov" presented a military drone to defeat the manpower of "Goliaff." It is already used in the SVO zone. VIDEO

- The Ministry of Industry and Trade recovered 502 million rubles from Rostec for failure to comply with the state program for machine tool construction

- The world's first robotic launcher for launching combat missiles is presented. It is controlled remotely. VIDEO

- Ex-head of the Communications Department of the Ministry of Defense fined 2.5 million rubles for bribes in the form of an electric scooter, TV and drone

- Russian troops received BMD-4M and BMP-3 with capes hiding combat vehicles in the thermal and radar spectrum

- In Novosibirsk, on charges of bribery, the director of the NGO "Luch," which creates missile control systems, was arrested

- US Department of Defense prepares new technology of invisible networks for hidden information transmission

September ^

- The court recognized the crimes of the Nazis in Adygea in 1942 as genocide. What happened then

- TAdviser has released a new Map "Digitalization of Industry": over 250 developers and service providers

- Su-57 recognized as the most tested aircraft in battles

- The Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation is preparing a program for the transition of defense industry companies to Russian IT solutions

- In Russia, an anti-aircraft artillery complex of the Derivation 2S38 is presented to destroy drones with guided detonation shells

- The Russian army received a wheel robot "Cricket" to evacuate the wounded and bring goods to the front line

- The roadmap for digitalization of the United Engine Corporation has been developed

- The head of the military representative office of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was detained on charges of receiving a bribe when purchasing communication cables worth 1.2 billion rubles

- Russian scientists have created AI to detect fake documents for cars

- Putin handed over to Rostec the shares of the Klimovsky cartridge plant

- In Russia, a walking combat robot is presented. He walks faster than a person

- NanoCAD 24 platform has been confirmed to be compatible with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7 and 1.8

- Rostec resumed the work of a bankrupt defense enterprise in Veliky Novgorod, which was idle for many years

August ^

- In Russia, presented a budget mobile direction finder "Pelican" to quickly identify drones and control points

- Softline decided to bankrupt the construction enterprise of the Ministry of Defense

- Zavet-D smart artillery control complex presented in Russia

- The working hours of Russians reached a maximum in 11 years

- Russia began to use the portable antidronic complex "Chistulya" in the SVO zone

- Body armor factory opened in Astrakhan region

- In Russia, presented an anti-aircraft installation with a thermal imager and remote control to destroy drones

- In Russia, the Lesochek complex, which fits in a backpack, is presented, which disables UAVs and radio-controlled explosive devices

- The portfolio of export orders for Russian weapons since 2022 has grown by 10% and exceeded $60 billion

- In Russia, a wearable device for suppressing drones "Meerikat-O/P" is presented

- Russia presented the Pantsir-SMD-E air defense system to protect against massive attacks

- The court arrested the head of Voentorg in the case of embezzlement under contracts for the Ministry of Defense

- New Iranian drone is Shahed-238 capable of intercepting the most powerful American drones

- The Chinese Marines received UAVs not distinguishable from birds. Video

- How much Russian air defense surpasses American ones. Zyfras

- The Russian army received an FPV-drone for mining "Piranha-13"

- Rostec shipped another batch of Malva howitzers to the troops

June ^

- 256 thousand received a deferral from mobilization in Russia. IT specialists

- The number of self-employed in Moscow exceeded 1.7 million

- Mass production of camouflage "invisible suits" for the military launched in Russia

- The Russian Navy received the Stupinets missile boat

- The Russian army began to use the Peacock complex to disguise communications equipment

- In Russia, presented a miniature drone suppressor "Pocket." It is already used on the WO

- Perm Powder Plant replaced the general director

- Deliveries of the Leshiy complex began in Russia to protect cars from drones

- The ex-head of the company "Security and Communications" after 9 years of search received 5 years in prison for theft of funds of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

- Ukraine stopped using GPS bombs from Boeing because Russian weapons completely block them

- How the Iron Dome air defense system works in Israel. Details

- In Russia, an Aegis-U anti-crash blanket is presented, which protects vehicles from drones. Video

- In Russia, armored panels are presented to protect oil depots and gas storage facilities from UAVs. Video

- Presented Russian strike-transport UAV "Perun," which can take the wounded from the battlefield

- Presented the Russian complex "Komar" for the destruction of sea drones

- Roselectronics launched a neural network that increases the detection range of UAVs by 40%

- Nuclear submarine "Arkhangelsk" with hypersonic missiles went to sea

- In Belarus, a laser installation was created to destroy drones. Video

- The Russian army began using a wheeled kamikaze robot "Frog" with a mine. Video

- The Russian army began to use the Scorpion-M wheeled kamikaze robots. Video

- Appointed a new commander of the Baltic Fleet

- Russia introduced an air defense system that produces drones instead of shells

- The Russian army began to use the Irbis radar station, which conducts reconnaissance for 150 km

- NATO allocated $1.1 billion for the development of artificial intelligence, robotics and space technologies

- 80% of AI solutions used in Russian production are created in the Russian Federation

- Navy ships received complexes that allow them to "see" unmanned boats from afar

- Katran Hunter presented in Russia to combat surface drones

- Russian mobile artillery fire control systems "Tablet-A" began to be supplied to the SVO zone

- Rosenergoatom transfers NPP operation support system to Russian software from IBM solution

January ^

- Production of the Rusak-S military drone, which independently recognizes and prioritizes targets, has begun in Russia

- Driverless boats for cargo delivery launched on Sakhalin

- Russia and the United States account for 90% of all nuclear weapons in the world

- In Russia, a reconnaissance and strike complex with missiles, bombs and a machine gun for the destruction of sea and flying drones is presented

- Presented Russian drone-bomber "Dove," recognizing infantry using a neural network

- In the Rostov region, an engineer of the military-industrial complex enterprise received 3 years in prison for hacking a computer

- At the naval bases of the Russian Navy create control points for anti-ship protection

- Presented Russian robot sapper "Bumblebee"

- Russia introduced a drone suppression system in 12 frequency bands at the same time

May ^

- In which regions of the Russian Federation most of all individual entrepreneurs

- "Helicopters of Russia" ended the year with growing revenue

- Russian military seized an Estonian robot, for which a reward of 2 million rubles was promised

- SpaceX launched the first reconnaissance satellites for the US government

- China unveils electromagnetic rail gun to launch cruise missiles

- Russian sappers in the SVO zone began to use the Stalker robot for mine clearance

- Annual net loss of aircraft manufacturer Yakovlev decreased 5 times

- The United Aircraft Corporation increased its annual revenue by 32%

April ^

- Russia began deliveries of a portable radar station for detecting drones at ultra-low altitudes

- "Kalashnikov" presented a reconnaissance mini-drone "Karakurt"

- Russia has developed the Pyatnitsa complex to protect large objects from drones

- The Russian military began to use the AI-suppressor of drones "Gyurza," which itself selects frequencies during operation

- Rostec presented an intelligence complex with intelligent video analytics for searching for objects

- UEC will connect about half a thousand machines to the industrial Internet of Things in 2024

- How will the digital transformation of the Russian Guard take place. The State Duma adopted a law

- Russia began to use the Pantsir-M air defense system in the SVO zone to destroy missiles

- The Russian military began to use the MiS-35 drone, using non-standard frequencies

- A repeater drone has been developed in Russia, which can be in the air for 3 hours

- US Army uses laser weapons in Iraq in combat conditions

- In Russia, the production of the Gran electronic intelligence complex began to protect refineries from drones

- Russia and China surpass the United States in space weapons

- The Russian military received Chernik-2 drones, which, without human control, hit targets

- Kalashnikov presented the SCAT 350 reconnaissance drone, working in conjunction with kamikaze drones

- Russia has developed the Peak tower to protect ships from flying drones

March ^

- The Russian army received an Albatros M5 reconnaissance drone resistant to electronic warfare means

- A detector has been developed in Russia to detect any type of drone

- Production of dome station for suppressing military drones to protect armored vehicles launched in Russia

- The Russian army received the Thunderstorm complex to combat drones

- Russian army gets cheap polystyrene foam drone flying 40km

February ^

- Russian anti-aircraft missile system S-500 received a new computer system to destroy hypersonic missiles

- In Russia, created a comprehensive drone interception system at a distance of 5 km "Stupor"

- Britain fails Trident ballistic missile test again

- An artillery reconnaissance complex appeared in service with the Russian army, which does not impersonate radar equipment

- World's first Stirling engine-based microwave weapon created in China

- The nuclear submarine "Prince Pozharsky" was launched

January ^

- "Rostec" has completed tests of the meteorological survey complex for the military "Plot-MF"

- An armored exoskeleton for the army and police is presented. PHOTO

- Towers for contactless recharging of drones have been created in Russia

- Russia has developed a laser guidance system for guided missiles

- Russia has created a Deft drone, which flies 2.5 times faster and longer than drones in the SVO zone

- Russian troops received Supercam reconnaissance drones and strike with them in a few minutes

- Russia has developed a new simulator of a nuclear explosion

- In Russia, created an optical system for identifying snipers and saboteurs

- Missiles created in Russia to destroy small drones

- United Engine Corporation introduces machine vision to detect defects in the production of aircraft motors

- What did you remember 2023. Main results and trends. Opinions of key IT market players

- The Russian army began to use the suppression systems of FPV-drones "Sania"

- The head of the defense enterprise "Radio System" was detained on charges of embezzlement of 3.2 million rubles

- Russia has developed a planning aerial bomb "Drill," which radar does not see

- "Kalashnikov" began deliveries of sets of combat equipment "Shooter"