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UMS - Universal Mobile Systems


UMS - the Uzbek mobile operator.



56 new base stations of 3G network

In 2016 in Uzbekistan were brought by the mobile operator of UMS of 56 new base stations in the Namangan and Fergana regions into commercial operation.

20 base stations working in 3G network were set the city of Namangan and in the territory of the Namangan region. UMS mounted 36 towers of cellular communication in the Fergana region. Installation was conducted as for increase in capacity of network in densely populated areas and public places, so for expansion of a coverage by communication of third generation of rural areas of the republic.

MTS sells the share to the Uzbek side

On August 8, 2016 PJSC MTS sold the share in UMC in the amount of 50.01 percent to the Uzbek side.

2014: MTS is returned by 50.01% of stocks in new company UMS

In July, 2014 MTS announced the conclusion of the settlement agreement with the authorities of Uzbekistan which should put an end to the conflict which began between them in 2012. Under this agreement, in Uzbekistan the new mobile operator which 50.01% of stocks will belong to MTS, the remained 49.99% will be created - to the State committee on communication, informatization and telecommunication services[1].

Undertook to delegate to the power to the new operator of the license for rendering services in the GSM, 3G and LTE standards and also the corresponding frequencies, number capacity and a possibility of lease of trunk communication channels. Besides, the new operator will receive all property of Uzdunrobit - former "subsidiary" of MTS because of which the conflict erupted. In exchange MTS will withdraw the claim to Uzbekistan submitted to the International arbitration at the World Bank.

In August the name of new operator - Universal Mobile Systems (UMS) became known. According to the government decree registration had to be finished on August 25, technical input on November 1.

On December 1, 2014 start of new mobile operator took place.

2013: The daughter of the president of Uzbekistan quarreled with the father

After bankruptcy the property of Uzdunrobit did not manage to be sold from "hammer". And in 2013 Gulnara Karimova seriously quarreled with the father, the president of Uzbekistan, and it appeared under house arrest. A number of its enterprises was closed, and Karimova's confidants, including Madumarov, were sentenced to long prison terms.

2012: Akhmedov's escape, the company are deprived by licenses

In 2012 Bekzod Akhmedov ran away from Uzbekistan and was put on the wanted list. According to unofficial information, he did not divide with Gulnara Karimova the money paid for protection of other foreign telecommunication company - TeliaSonera owning in Uzbekistan Coscom mobile operator.

The authorities of Uzbekistan were suspected that Akhmedov's escape was organized with assistance of MTS. As a result in the summer of 2012 business of MTS was promptly destroyed: the operator lost the license and was made bankrupt, and a number of his heads for a while appeared under arrest.

2004-2007: MTS redeems 100% of shares Uzdunrobita from Gulnara Karimova's husband

Uzdunrobita was the largest mobile operator in Uzbekistan. In 2004-2007 Russian MTS redeemed 100% of shares of this company from Rustam Madumarov - the common-law husband of Gulnara Karimova, the daughter of the president of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov. Till 2014 Karimov was considered as the informal patroness of large business in the republic.

It de facto saved influence on Uzdunrobit: after the transaction with MTS her person Bekzod Akhmedov continued to head the company.
