Main article: Countries of the world
Heat peak in summer
Winter weather records
National composition
Male-to-female ratio
2021: Net population inflow in 4 years
Marriages and divorces
2018: Divorce rate - 12.3%
Number of children per woman
Main article: Vision
2014: 62.3% of the population wear glasses or lenses
2023: Life expectancy - 83.8 years
2022: Excess mortality due to COVID-19 - 13.6%
2018: Number of deaths in road accidents
The number of cars per 1000 people of the population
Citizenship and residence permit
2022: Citizenship for 738 thousand euros
In 2022, Malta can obtain citizenship by naturalization for an exceptional contribution to the country's economic development - the minimum contribution is EUR 738,000. Terms of obtaining Maltese citizenship from 36 months (or 12 months in special cases).
2021: Malta earns billion euros over 8 years on investment immigration
The latest report on the results of investment immigration under MIIP (Malta Individual Investor Program), which has exhausted the quota and has been replaced by MEIN since 2021, collected information for 18 months of the program (July 1, 2019 - December 31, 2020).
Income from investors in 2020 amounted to EUR 167 million, which is the lowest figure since 2015. At the same time, the refusal rate rose to 33%: out of 340 main applicants, 207 are approved. Among the remaining 101 were rejected and 32 were withdrawn.
Among the approved main applicants in 2020, 57% were from Europe (including Russia), 26% from Asia, 9% from Africa, 5% from North America.
Applicants who prefer to buy real estate only 6%. The average value of the acquired real estate fell by almost EUR 80,000 for 2020 - to EUR 782,000. Those who preferred to eat, on average, gave EUR 93,000 over a five-year period.
Income from investors under the program since 2013 amounted to EUR 1.03 billion.
Most of the funds earned (about 60%) were sent to the National Fund for Development and Social Protection, and about 33% to the Stabilization Fund. About 5.5% went to the Malta Individual Investor Program Agency (MIIPA).
2019: First place in the EU in terms of the number of residence permits per 1000 inhabitants
2022: Proportion of women in Parliament
Financial system
Key rate
National debt
2023: Reduced foreign investment
Labour market
2019: Average labor productivity - $40.63 per hour
2024: Maximum personal income tax rate - 35%
2023: Minimum wage - $788
2017: Average monthly salary
2022: Unemployment rate - 3%
2020: Unemployment rate - 4.2%
Energy carriers
Energy consumption per capita
2023: Beef is the most consumed type of meat
2019: Kuryatina is the most consumed type of meat
2019: Beer consumption in litres per year per person
2020: Share of foreign tourists on average day to population - 7.0%
More than 45% of the population went on tourist trips. Italy is the most popular country
How dependent Malta is on tourism:% of the industry in GDP
2018: Tourism revenue
2021:1% of workers are employed in agriculture
2020: R&D expenses - $104 million
2021: Driving penalty with phone in hand €100
Information Technology
Development of blockchain technologies
Main article: Blockchain in Malta
2020: European tech companies attracting the most investment in 5 years
Health care
Main article: Health care in Malta
2020: 148.8 museums per million residents
2016: 8.2% of the population speaks no foreign language
Literacy rate
2022:67% of the population watch TV every day
2020: 7th place in Europe in the number of police officers per 100 thousand citizens: 446
2021: Number of intentional murders
and the UnitedPrisons
2018: Number of prisoners
2022: The most popular sport is football
2022: Malta during the conflict in Ukraine froze Russian assets by only 147 thousand euros
Greece and Malta froze Russian assets by substantially smaller amounts than other EU members, Reuters wrote in January 2023, citing accusations by an EU official and the bloc's internal document.
Of the 20.3 billion euros frozen by countries EU at the moment,,, Ireland,, France, and Spain Germany Belgium Luxembourg Austria reported the arrest of more than a billion euros each. Greece notified 212 thousand euros of the freeze, and Malta - 147 thousand euros.
In September 2017, Standard & Poor's confirmed Malta's sovereign credit rating at A-, raising its outlook from stable to positive. The outlook for Malta was revised to reflect a clear growth outlook, according to S&P commentary. The revision of the forecast reflects the expectations of the S&P in the part that Malta's economy will continue to show confident cyclical expansion.
According to the Digital Economy and Society Index 2017 (2017 Digital Economy and Society Index), published by the European Commission, Malta ranks 12th out of 28 EU member states, has a good performance in terms of broadband connectivity, the use of digital technologies by enterprises and the availability of public digital services.
Thanks to a stable macroeconomic environment that provides strong GDP growth of 4.6% in 2017 (compared to 1.9% in the EU as a whole), Malta offers high-tech companies new growth opportunities in the context of financial and political stability, and the ability to hire highly qualified specialists from the EU countries make it the country of the first choice for business development with Europe.
Malta became a member of the EU in May 2004 and introduced the euro in 2008. Malta's main trading partners are Germany, France and Hong Kong; the main import partners are Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Over the past years, Malta's economy has shown significant growth rates, quite competing with the growth rates of other EU member states.
2003: EU accession referendum
Main article: European Union (EU, EU)