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ABB NeoGear Low-voltage Complete Device (LVCD)

Developers: ABB Group
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/11/18
Branches: Gas industry,  Mineral extraction,  housing and public utilities, service and household services,  Oil industry,  Food industry,  Chemical industry
Technology: UPS - Uninterruptible power supply units

2019: Representation of NKU NeoGear

On November 18, 2019 the ABB company provided the NeoGear low-voltage complete device (LVCD). According to the producer, the provided device is safer, technology reliably and also has the digital functionality allowing to increase efficiency and to lower operating costs of the industry. The technology break consists in use of the multilayer isolated system of buses who could be met only in aviation and automotive industry earlier and also at space stations.

Low-voltage complete ABB NeoGear device

According to the statement of the producer, the NeoGear device successfully passed tests on objects of Switzerland and China; in it the system of the isolated (laminated) buses replacing traditional horizontal and vertical buses is used. NeoGear is safe option of NKU for operation in view of lack of access to the parts which are energized. NKU occupies for 25% the smaller space in comparison with traditional solutions, heatlosses are reduced by 20% because of more effective cooling, and operating costs are reduced to 30% thanks to digital condition monitoring.

As noted in ABB, development of the equipment is followed by introduction of digital opportunities. Digitalization allows to understand better power supply process, to increase life of the equipment, to timely upgrade the equipment for increase in security and performance and also to pass to reliable and effective models of business. On this background the NeoGear device supporting the ABB Ability platform is the digital solution with expansion opportunities under new projects, updates of a system or migrations of information from the outdated systems, for optimum allocation of the electric power and control of engines.

Digital opportunities of NKU NeoGear, according to the developer, include condition monitoring in real time, predictive maintenance of the equipment, remote diagnostics, data analysis and recommendations for further transactions that will help customers to achieve increase in efficiency of operation and to provide high adaptivity to changes.

"We see in the market the growing demand for the innovative distribution solutions which help to provide flexibility in harder and harder conditions. NeoGear is capable to provide the high level of security, efficiency and functionality, big flexibility, and, as a result, stability and value for the customer",

'Marco Tellarini, the global manager on product group of the "Solutions for Electric Power Distribution" business direction noted'

According to the developer, NeoGear will help customers to meet the growing requirements to maintenance of security of operating conditions, to reduce idle times as a result of carrying out repairs and also to reduce costs in segments of the industry, such as oil and gas, chemical, food, mining, at the water treatment enterprises.

The NeoGear distributor entered the market at the end of 2019.