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Avegr's Biocad (Bevacizumab, Bevacizumab)

Developers: Biocad
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Avegra of Biocad — recombinant giperkhimerny (humanized, brought closer to human) a monoclonal antibody which selectively contacts biologically active factor of growth an endoteliya of vessels (VEGF) and neutralizes it. The medicine Bevacizumab inhibits binding of a factor of growth an endoteliya of vessels with his receptors on a surface of endotelialny cages that leads to decrease in a vaskulyarization and oppression of growth of a tumor.

2019: Growth of number of the patients who received therapy by bevacizumab by 300%

The number of the oncological patients in Russia who received therapy by bevacizumab for the last 3 years increased by 293%, and the cost of treatment fell by 72%. On June 13, 2019 reported about it in Biocad company. In general by estimates of representatives of Biocad the production of the medicine "Avegra" by the company, a domestic bioanalogue of bevacizumab, allowed to treble availability of targetny therapy to the Russian patients since 2015. In 2018, according to calculations of the company, 7678 people received the treatment based on domestic bevacizumab.

The sales volume of domestic bevacizumab for the last three years increased four times, and reached a share in 97% of the Russian market of medicine which according to the results of for 2018 made in recalculation on APS (active pharmaceutical substance) 68.6 kg. For comparison, in 2015 in Russia only 17.4 kg of medicine were implemented that allowed to provide with therapy only 8% of patients (about 2400 people) needing treatment.

Since the beginning of 2019 the Biocad company shipped 10% more packagings of Avegr to the Russian medical institutions, than for the same period of 2018.

In data of the company, the number of the market subjects which do not have available goods, or operating with goods of unknown origin, but at the same time participating in auctions increased recently. Representatives of the company spoke it in public space repeatedly.

Biocad is not the only producer and the supplier of medicine in Russia: as of June, 2019 in the territory of the country medicine with MNN of bevacizumab of the foreign producer is registered.