Software package "Management of Finance"
The solution "Management of Finance" is based on "cloud" technologies, is approximate to a system concept of management of public finance "The electronic budget", provides absolute transparency of budget process, cost reduction, business process optimization.
The software package automates a full stroke of budget process. Consists from seamlessly the integrated subsystems.
1. Subsystem Accounting:
- accounting centralization;
- maintaining magazine of standard transactions;
- access to primary data of subordinated organizations for the analysis of financial and economic activity.
2. Subsystem "Formation of the budget reporting":
- automatic consolidation of data one click;
- preparation of annual, quarter and monthly budget and accounting records;
- providing analytical information to the management in an evident view with use of visualization tools.
3. Subsystem "Planning of the budget":
- formation of the program budget on the basis of data of the register of payment commitments according to requirements of the budget legislation;
- formation of summary budget painting according to calculation of budgetary appropriations without additional collection of information;
- correlation of budget planning with other processes of management of the state resources.
4. Subsystem Purchase management:
- check of the planned purchases on compliance to the internal order on regulation;
- formation of the plan and scheduled plan of purchases after the adoption of the law on the budget and finishing limits of budgetary appropriations;
- formation of lots and notifications for holding procedures of determination of the supplier;
- signing of the contracts and step-by-step control of their execution;
- integration with the official site of the unified information system in the field of purchases.
5. Subsystem "State tasks and normative financing":
- formation of standard costs taking into account industry and territorial coefficients;
- formation of the document "State Task";
- calculation of volume of financial provision of accomplishment of the state task.
6. "Accounting of charges, payments and operations on administration of income":
- formation of notifications, notifications and accounting references on the basis of the saved documents on charges;
- formation of documents on charges on the basis of advance payments;
- implementation of all types of requests in GIS GMP according to the operating formats.
7. Subsystem "Internal financial control":
- verification of documents on compliance to profile regulatory legal acts and internal standards;
- authorization of transactions (actions for formation of the documents necessary for accomplishment of internal budget procedures);
- collecting and information analysis about results of accomplishment of internal budget procedures.
8. Subsystem Financial management:
- formation of figures of merit of the financial management performed by public authorities;
- creation of the single database, used for calculation;
- implementation of automatic measure calculation by the approved techniques;
- carrying out analysis and drawing up reports on results of quality evaluation of financial management.
9. Subsystem "Salary and personnel":
- maintaining documentation on personnel records;
- formation of the staff list;
- calculation of staff costs;
- existence of an electronic personal account of the employee.
10. Subsystem "Paid services":
- automatic data acquisition about electronic payments;
- analytical accounting of debt on payment of services;
- accounting of charge of means and payment of services.
11. Subsystem "Accounting of the public and municipal servants":
- maintaining register of public servants;
- formation of a talent pool;
- analysis of personnel list of the public and municipal servants.
12. Subsystem "Management of state programs":
- maintaining the unified register of state programs at the level of department;
- process optimization of formation and approval of state programs;
- program implementation efficiency evaluation on the basis of the analysis of planned and actual indicators and indicators.
13. Subsystem Motor transport:
- accounting of orders for motor transport, tracking of the status of task performance;
- calculation of normative and actual fuel consumption;
- calculation of development in waybills by different parameters by customers and construction objects;
- simultaneous accounting of the fuel purchased by different methods;
- accounting of the provided services and the performed works on customers.
14. Subsystem Power supply:
- maintaining the reference book of diets which reflects regulations of products in day on one person;
- maintaining the reference book of dishes in the form of three-level structure with automatic calculation of chemical composition depending on ingredients;
- maintaining the planned menu for any period;
- report generation on receipt and an expense of products.
- detailing of each budget ruble;
- exception of duplication of transactions of data collection and processing;
- integration with information systems of other departments;
- formation of the regulated and independent reporting in one click.
Situational center
The software package directed to support of acceptance of management decisions on the basis of up-to-date and reliable data.
Receiving data from different profile information systems of the subject, it creates a common information space of regional executive authorities. Creation of the situational center will allow to optimize activity of authority, to see complex assessment of a situation in the region.
The solution is created on the basis of the Alpha BI platform providing the analysis of the generalized data (including geoinformation) in different cuts and reporting of any complexity.
- uniform information and documentary base of regional authorities with up-to-date and reliable data;
- the multidimensional analysis of collected data in different cuts, formation of the regulated and independent reporting;
- integration and data exchange with federal services and systems;
- quick access to the visualized information on interactive panels, cards, including from mobile application.
Software package of housing and public utilities
The software package is a basis for creation of a regional segment of the state information system of housing and public utilities (GIS of housing and public utilities).
The solution allows to carry out electronic certification of housing stock, to control management companies, to publish information on their activity, to create electronic base of homeowners, to make charges, to accept payments for housing and communal services, to create platforms for work with citizens' appeals, etc.
The software package includes a number of the interconnected subsystems:
- "Housing stock";
- "Overhaul";
- Regional operator;
- "Housing supervision";
- "Disclosure of information";
- Billing center;
- "Portal".
- collecting, the analysis and visualization of indicators of housing sector for acceptance of management decisions;
- a possibility of control of the data transferred by suppliers of information to federal level;
- creation of a uniform point of disclosure of information with the subsequent data transmission on the Reform of Housing and Public Utilities portal.
Software package "Education"
Profile solutions provide continuous maintenance of educational process and cover all education levels: from kindergarten to university. Also with their help availability of the public and municipal services to citizens is created. Complex automation of regional education allows to implement federal requirements to creation of the single database in the educational organizations of the region for the subsequent information transfer on federal level.
The software package consists of the following subsystems:
- Contingent of students;
- "Electronic kindergarten";
- Electronic school;
- Electronic college;
- "Additional education";
- "Education monitoring";
- mobile application "My diary".
- assessment of need for the pedagogical personnel, construction of new organizations and education level in the region;
- formation and automatic filling by data of an electronic portfolio of the pupil taking into account his progress, achievements and the state of health;
- integration with any departmental systems, SIEI, a Unified identification and authentication system and the portal of public services of the city / region that allows to accelerate processes of information exchange at filing of applications and rendering electronic services;
- formation of necessary statistical and analytical reporting in different cuts.
Software package "Health care"
The solution portfolio of BARS GROUP for health care includes the tools integrating basic processes: administrative, medical and diagnostic, financial and economic. The information and analytical systems entering it provide complex automation of profile organizations, beginning the medical organizations, finishing governing bodies of health care.
- "Medical information system";
- "Additional provision of medicines";
- Regional services;
- "Monitoring center of health care";
- "Gene expert";
- Mobile application "Doctor online";
- "Obstetric aid monitoring".
- online access to information on a status of a regional health care system;
- control of achievement of target indicators of state programs and justification of management decisions;
- providing uniform standards of informatization of health care in the region;
- rendering public services in electronic form;
- integration with federal services of the Russian Ministry of Health.
Software package "Agriculture"
The software package is intended for automation of the main directions of the agro-industrial industry: agriculture, livestock production, veterinary science, etc. The solution provides interaction between producers of products, supervisory authorities and industry departments for the purpose of information exchange when rendering public services and interdepartmental interaction.
The software package consists of the following subsystems:
- "Veterinary science";
- Veterinary supervision;
- "Subsidizing";
- Gostehnadzor;
- "Livestock production";
- "Monitoring of veterinary science and agriculture".
- observation of dynamics of the industry for identification of the strong/weak directions of its development and acceptance of the weighed management decisions;
- synchronization of information which is stored in systems of accounting of livestock production and veterinary science for comprehensive data analysis;
- increase in investment attractiveness of the region due to improvement of awareness of investors on structure and structure of the agricultural land;
- increase in tax revenues in the budget of the region due to obtaining objective data on the used agricultural grounds and timely identification of the facts of inappropriate use of lands.
Property management system
The solution is intended for control automation by lifecycles of objects of the state and municipal property (buildings and constructions, the land plots, objects of engineering infrastructure, the advertizing structures, vehicles, etc.).
It is the modern tool allowing to collect quickly detailed information on property and the operations performed with it. Thanks to increase in efficiency of accounting and management a system helps to optimize maintenance costs and operation of property.
- maintaining registers of a land and property complex;
- control of the property relations;
- management of rent fund;
- accounting of financial liabilities;
- conducting claim activity.
Software package "Construction management"
The solution is intended for productive project management and programs of construction. In its structure there are all necessary tools for planning, the analysis, control and management of all processes: from formation of programs of the capital investments and design stages before commissioning of the objects of infrastructure to the asset holder and the subsequent operation.
Use of a system helps to optimize project budgets, to reduce risks, to meet the deadline. The software package consists of the following subsystems:
- "Management of construction projects";
- "Supervision in the field of construction".
- creation of unified information environment of interaction at the interdepartmental and cross-industry levels with a connectivity of executive authorities, citizens, construction companies and suppliers;
- management of programs and projects: analysis of control points, target indicators, control of budgeted expenses, efficiency evaluation, identification of problem zones;
- management of the course of program implementation and projects: certification of infrastructure facilities, control of execution of schedules of works, detailed control of budgeted expenses, accounting of the actual amounts of works, conducting summary and estimate calculation.
Software package "Social protection"
The solution provides comprehensive informatization of processes in the field of social protection of citizens: from primary calls accounting before providing measures of social support and rendering social services. Also it accompanies rendering profile public and municipal services in electronic form. At its implementation the regional social register of the population allowing to analyze social and demographic indicators and also to plan the budget is created.
The software package consists of the following subsystems:
- "Address social help to the population";
- "Ensuring rehabilitation with technical means and sanatorium permits";
- "Automation of activity of social organizations";
- "Accounting and monitoring of the minors which are in socially dangerous provision";
- "Available environment";
- "National pensions".
- creation of the register of objects of social infrastructure;
- disclosure of information on availability of objects and processing of citizens' appeals;
- formation of passports of availability of objects and plans for arrangement;
- report generation about activity of users on areas;
- equipment of inspectors mobile jobs.
Information security
The complex of individual solutions directed to creation of the systems of information security support (cybersecurity) in the state organizations.
- carrying out inspection;
- development of model of security risks and necessary organizational solutions;
- data protection system design;
- implementation of information security tools;
- certification of information systems.
Management of IT Assets system
The software product is intended for accounting of tangible and non-material IT assets of department, formation of the broad and authentic picture on the available and required IT assets. The solution also automates implementation of plans of informatization: procurement procedures, financing, control of performance of agreements / public contracts, management of lifecycle of an IT asset.
System implementation allows to cut down expenses on equipment of department the IT equipment and the software, to increase efficiency of use of IT assets, to automate collecting of the reporting and fulfillment of requirements of profile federal and regional regulatory legal acts.
- inventory of IT assets: server, network, peripheral equipment and workstations of users, software, platforms of placement of the IC and PKT;
- control of operation of IT assets on all lifecycle: change management, decommissioning;
- control of execution of actions of the plan of informatization (plan/fact of the budget, purchases, operation of IT assets).
Energy efficiency system
The software package provides decision making process about a status of a power complex on the basis of analytical and statistical information.
The solution allows to control planning and execution of actions for increase in energy efficiency of the subject of the Russian Federation and also to attract investments on actions for energy efficiency from non-budgetary sources.
- power inventory;
- monitoring of objects of energy industry;
- formation of investment projects;
- creation of the profile portal.
Portal solutions
Portals of BARS GROUP are intended for operational management of regions, the industries, organizations. Such solutions represent the uniform structured storages of data equipped with convenient navigation and analytical opportunities, instruments of collecting, the analysis and information visualization. They can be configured under different users: internal (heads and non-management employees of organizations) and external (citizens and higher departments).
- integration with services of public services;
- interaction of citizens with public authorities;
- formation of a multifunction personal account;
- the publication of socially significant information in open access.
Mobile application
Mobile application provides efficiency and availability of information at the solution of internal and external problems of the region.
It allows to configure a modern format of communications with citizens, to optimize internal algorithms of activity of the region and also far off to control and analyze work of departments. Features:
- business process automation;
- complete scope of target audience;
- individual approach to each client;
- receiving the personalized and up-to-date information.