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BestDoctor IT service of medical care

Developers: BestDoctor (Bestdoktor)
Branches: Internet services,  Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: BI,  HRM

BestDoctor is the IT service of medical care for business designed to help the organizations and their employees to receive medical care and to save on policies of the voluntary medical insurance (VMI).

2019: Description

Technological VHI from BestDoctor is intended to help the organizations and to their employees to receive medical care and to optimize the budget on medicine.

According to information for February, 2019 at the heart of service — the IT platform which allows to predict expenses on medicine, to analyze data and to integrate preventive measures for decrease in incidence of collective.

For business of BestDoctor is a medical online department which allows:

  • predict expenses on medical care with a high accuracy
  • optimize the budget on VHI
  • provide flexible medical programs

Service provides management of medical care online with an opportunity:

  • see to a HR system as money is spent
  • attach/unfasten employees online
  • minimize document flow
  • save the HR specialist's time

For the employee of BestDoctor — the medical concierge service who is turning on:

  • Chat with the personal doctor
  • Medical online map
  • Record to the doctor online
  • Ratings and responses about clinics

According to information for the beginning of 2019 at BestDoctor — it is more than 1500 partner clinics across all Russia.

2018: Opportunities for business

According to information for March, 2018 for business of BestDoctor is a medical online department which allows:

  • analyze the company
  • predict expenses on medical care with a high accuracy
  • optimize the budget on VHI

As of the beginning of 2018 at BestDoctor — 600 partner clinics across all Russia.