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Баннер в шапке 2

Brownie End-to-end system of monitoring of objects of housing and public utilities

The name of the base system (platform): Microsoft Dynamics AX
Developers: Optima (Optima Group)
Branches: Housing and public utilities, service and household services
Technology: ASCAPC

Today the key direction of reforming of a system of housing and public utilities in our country is gain of the competition and appearance of alternative suppliers of housing and communal services.

For the purpose of improving competitiveness and efficiency of utility companies, to optimization of information exchange between the municipal enterprises housing and public utilities and independent management companies there was obvious a need to radically change the system of their functioning and interaction.

Creation of a single information platform for all divisions of the housing and public utilities which are available in this or that city could become one of optimal methods of the solution of this problem. Such platform is inherently designed to automate and optimize process of collection of data on the housing and communal services provided in the city, to provide the subsequent synthesis and the analysis of this information and also to create reports for the management of a housing-and-municipal complex and the city authorities.

The industry solution Brownie is developed in Optima Consulting based on the solution Microsoft Dynamics AX within cooperation with Housing-and-municipal management of Ivanovo. The solution represents the integrated system capable to support activity of different economical and economic divisions of ZhHK of the city and to optimize process of information exchange between them.

The following technology set of functionality is provided in the solution "Brownie":

  • Maintaining card files of objects of housing and public utilities (streets, houses, apartments);
  • Maintaining technical documentation in electronic form on each street, the house, the apartment (the plan of the house / apartment, the scheme, the operational map of the engineering equipment, the layout chart of a refuse chute, electrical wiring, heat and water supply, water disposal, etc.), cards of location of streets and houses;
  • Differentiation of powers: each employee sees only streets and houses which services;
  • Operational accounting of requests on abnormal, current and planned works; maintaining the magazine of the complaints arriving from the population;
  • Maintaining card files of contract organizations and their specialization in work types; job sharing on contract organizations;
  • Obtaining itemized statements on a status of the house, group of houses or the apartment, about the coming and performed works, about technical characteristics on housing and communal services, about execution of works by contract organizations;
  • Work planning on capital and running repair of objects of housing and public utilities.

Advantage for the client

Now functionality of the Brownie system is used at the enterprises of housing and communal services of Ivanovo. Creation of the Monitoring Automated Information System (MAIS) of housing stock of Ivanovo and parameters of housing and communal services provided the city ZhHK system with the single database allowing to process large volumes of information and to reduce thus time, administrative and managerial and technology expenditure.

Project deadlines

The project is implemented on places within 2-3 months and completely corresponds to provisions of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2/6/2006 No. 75 "About an order of holding an open competition by local government authority on selection of management company for management of an apartment house".