Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2 (scanner of radio nuclide visualization)

Developers: Siemens Healthineers (ранее Siemens Healthcare)
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2020
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2020: The announcement of - the scanner of radio nuclide visualization

At the end of September, 2020 the Siemens Healthineers company submitted the new version of the system with. cam for cardiological nuclear medicine. According to developers, this scanner of a one-photon issue computer tomography (SPECT) with the leaning-back chair of the patient offers medics low total cost of ownership, simplicity of installation and a high image quality.

In a system with. cam instead of a flat table is set the patient's chair with a folding back and restriction on the weight of 450 pounds (204 kg). Such chair increases satisfaction of the patient as throughout all inspection he is conveniently located in provision semi-sitting. Besides, use of a chair minimizes respiratory movements and emergence of artifacts, thereby increasing image quality.

Provided to Siemens Healthineers the scanner of radio nuclide visualization with a folding chair

The bidirectional bracket of the camera which is built in a system simplifies positioning of the patient, and the small viewing field is optimized for cardiological procedures. The new software platform of the Windows scanner contains expanded functions of cyber security which limit access for not authorized personnel. Considering the small area of the basis of 2.4 m x 2.4 m, a system with. cam can be set in two days with the minimum requirements to modeling of the premises. Work with applications can be trained in three days by developer company. On a system with. cam extends the standard five-year guarantee.

This new version of the scanner with. cam SPECT provided in response to requests of clients should become the available and simple rule of scanning in installation which provides a high image quality and improves general impression of the patient from the procedure, - the vice president for molecular visualization in Siemens Healthineers North America John Khoury noted.[1]
