Developers: | DARPA |
Date of the premiere of the system: | July, 2016 |
Branches: | Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care, Producers of medical products |
Technology: | Robotics |
2016: Announcement
In July, 2016 the Agency of military developments DARPA provided a bionic hand of LUKE (Life Under Kinetic Evolution), having promised that she will become a disruptive product in the field of prosthetics.
Direct development and commercial implementation of LUKE occupies Mobius Bionics company. In it note that innovation will cause a stir from similar developments in the high-mobile shoulder joint allowing to raise a hand over the head or to bring her for a back; by the sufficient force of an elbow joint to rearrange a packet with products from a floor on a table; and also so high accuracy of movements of an artificial wrist that the patient is capable to hold a glass over the head or at the level of a waist, without spilling water from it. Also using a prosthesis it is possible to make more difficult movements — to zip or brush teeth.
The bionic hand of LUKE represents the first-ever commercial prosthesis which smart electronics is capable to analyze signals from muscles of the patient and on the basis of these signals to execute difficult movements.
Control of a prosthesis is exercised using sensors which fasten on the amputated hand, and additional wireless sensors for a leg. The computer will transform the commands received from the patient to 1 of 10 possible actions.
Work on a unique prosthesis began many years ago. Under the auspices of DARPA tens of the companies and Department for veterans of the USA took part in it. To bring it to perfection 100 thousand hours of tests with participation of nearly 100 patients were required.
In 2014 the prosthesis of LUKE was approved by Management on sanitary inspection behind product quality and medicines of the USA. Product entry into the commercial market is planned for the fourth quarter 2016. It is noted that LUKE is not military development, but the technology directed to consumer market.[1]