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GIS Quality Control and Traceability Log (FSIS Zerno)

Developers: Ministry of Agriculture (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia), Agropromcipra
Date of the premiere of the system: October 2020
Last Release Date: 2023/03/23
Branches: Agriculture and fishing


2024: The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has given Agropromcipra the powers of the only supplier for the development of the Zerno FSIS

The Ministry agriculture Russia appointed Agropromcipra as the sole supplier for the development and operation of ten of its eleven government information systems (). GIS Obat became known in October 2024. However, the Federal State Information System for Grain Traceability and Grain Processing Products (FSIS "Zerno") remained under the jurisdiction of the FSBI "."Agroanalytics Center

According to ComNews, Olga Chebunina, General Director of Agropromcipra JSC, explained that the company takes responsibility not only for the development of new GIS, but also for the systems created before its foundation in 2023. She noted that Agropromcipra independently processes user requests on the first and second support lines, attracting partners to conduct the third line on some systems.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation appointed Agropromcipra as the only supplier for the development of FGIS Zerno

Agropromcipra JSC was created on June 2, 2023 by a directive of the Russian government to ensure information security, import substitution and digital development of the country's agro-industrial complex. The shareholders of the company in equal shares (33.3% each) are Rosselkhozbank JSC, United Grain Company JSC and Rosagroleasing JSC.

Among the GIS transferred to Agropromcipra are the System for Monitoring and Forecasting Food Security of Russia, the Unified Federal Information System on Agricultural Lands, the Automated Information System of Registers, Registers and Regulatory Reference Information.

Petr Ugryumov, Deputy General Director for Information Security of Agropromcipra JSC, noted that the company operates in six areas, including the development and operation of GIS, custom development, consulting, training, information security and functioning as an agricultural hub for digital solutions in the industry.[1]


Commissioning of the second stage of FSIS "Zerno"

On March 23, 2023, FORCE - Development Center (FORCE Group FORS GROUP) announced the commissioning of the second stage of the federal state information system for the traceability of grain and grain processing products (FSIS Zerno) by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The operator of the system was the FSBI "Center for Agroanalytics." The system was developed as part of the "Strategy for Digital Transformation of Agriculture," approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and was implemented in stages over two years. Read more here.


On March 1, 2023, the Zerno Federal State Information System (GIS) was put into full operation. From this day on, information on grain processing products must be entered into this platform without fail.

According to Interfax"" with reference to the site Agroanalytics Center Ministry of Agriculture (operator of the "Zerno" system), the list of processed products that must be registered in the system consists of 21 names. These are, in particular, flour and cereals, starch, mixtures for the preparation of bakery and flour confectionery products, cereal breakfast products, gluten, etc.

From March 1, information on grain processing products must be entered into the Zerno GIS

According to the law, the "Zerno" system necessarily includes information about companies that produce, process, transport, supply, transshipment and transshipment of grain, its sale and disposal. The system creates an accompanying document containing information about a batch of grain or a batch of its processed products during transportation by any type of transport. This makes it possible to consistently identify batches along the entire continuous chain when moving from the manufacturer to processing into finished products and sending finished products to the consumer.

In addition, the system includes information about the batch of grain, the type of crop, the year of harvest, the place of its cultivation, indicating the geographical name, purpose of use, weight, consumer properties, purpose of grain.

In case of import or export from the territory of the Russian Federation of both lots of grain and lots of products of its processing, information on declarations of conformity, phytosanitary certificates, veterinary certificates is loaded into the system. It also passes information on the purchase of grain batches and processed products for state needs and on the purchase of grain batches to the federal intervention fund. Import into the territory of the Russian Federation and export of grain without a shipping document to its batch is not allowed.[2]


Mishustin signed a government decree on the use of GIS grain traceability

In October 2021, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the rules for creating and using the federal state information system (FSIS) for grain traceability.

According to TASS the corresponding document published on the official Internet portal of legal information, the FSIS is designed to automate the processes of collecting, processing, storing and analyzing information on the totality of types agricultural and other activities related to the production, transportation, storage, processing, processing, sale and disposal of grain and grain processing products in the domestic and foreign markets. System creation provides. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Organizations carrying out work on the creation and development of the system are determined by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Mikhail Mishustin approved the rules for creating and using GIS grain traceability

The system will start working in 2022. Data will be entered into it directly by participants in the grain market. The system will add information on grain purchases to the federal intervention fund, as well as the results of state monitoring and shipping documents that are necessary for the sale of products in Russia or the supply of grain for export.

The Ministry of Agriculture hopes that the launch of the new system will increase the efficiency of work in the grain market and ensure quality control of the supplied products. In addition, the state will be able to track the contribution of the regions to the task of ensuring the country's food security.

The decree signed by Mishustin approved the rules for the creation of the FSIS, its development and operation, including the rules for registration and submission of information and information to the FSIS, terms, forms and formats of presentation of information and information, requirements for ensuring access to information, contained in such a system, and the form and order in which requests for information are made, including through a single portal of state and municipal services (EPGU).[3]

Mishustin approved the rules for interaction of FGIS grain traceability with other state systems

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the rules for interaction between FGIS traceability of grain and grain processing products with other state IT systems. The corresponding government decree was published on the official portal of legal information on September 10, 2021.

According to the document, the interaction of the FSIS of grain traceability and other GIS (with the exception of the information systems of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision subordinate to it) is carried out using the infrastructure of electronic government, including the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV).

Interaction of FSIS with IT systems of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rosselkhoznadzor is carried out through the use of software and hardware of such information systems.

Mikhail Mishustin approved the rules for interaction of FGIS grain traceability with other state systems

The federal law on the creation in Russia of a unified state system of traceability of grain and products of its processing was signed by President Vladimir Putin. The document provides for the creation of a federal state information system for the traceability of grain and its processed products, which will allow them to trace their life cycle from production to release into circulation. It will make it possible to ensure accounting for the volume of grain lots and its processing products during their circulation, analyze and process the presented information and control their reliability.

This system should include information about producers, owners, carriers of grain and those who store it, shippers, consignees, as well as consignments of grain and its processed products, their consumer properties, on grain purchases to the federal intervention fund, on the results of state monitoring of grain, etc.[4][5]"

2020: Development of GIS for grain quality and traceability control

In September 2020, it became known about the creation in Russia of an IT system for state quality control and grain traceability. The corresponding bill submitted to the State Duma introduces provisions for the execution of an accompanying document, which will indicate information about a batch of grain or a batch of products of its processing for traceability when transported by any type of transport and release. Such a document will be drawn up by authorized persons of organizations - grain producers.

The federal state information system will include information on grain producers and processors, as well as companies that store, transport, sell, dispose of grain and its processed products. Grain market participants will be required to draw up accompanying documents that should contain information about the batch of grain or its processed products. Without these documents, it will be impossible to sell grain in Russia or export it.

Development of GIS for quality control and grain traceability in Russia

According to the authors of the initiative, Russia is one of the three leaders in grain exports. Meanwhile, there is no single system in the country that would allow tracking grain balances at all stages: from its production and introduction into circulation to the withdrawal of grain processing products from circulation.

In addition, due to the lack of data on the quality of grain produced, it is impossible to ensure the quality and safety control of grain supplied to processing enterprises and, in the future, the direction of processed products to the production of food products with high added value, as well as it is impossible to control the contribution of each region to the production and further export of grain, - says the explanatory note to the bill, excerpt from which leads TASS.[6]
