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Himrar: the platform for development of medicines from COVID-19

Developers: Himrar
Date of the premiere of the system: July, 2020
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

2020: Start of the platform for development of medicines from COVID-19

At the end of July, 2020 the Himrar research institute (RI) announced start of the platform for development of new drugs for COVID-19 coronavirus.

The new initiative provides development of the ready preclinical candidate from scratch for only several months. Advantages of the platform developers call completeness of the offered antiviral models and speed of execution of works at the expense of library of connections available to the day.

Components of the platform became:

  • library of potential antiviral molecules (13 thousand connections);
  • SRE testing with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, proteazny tests (3CL and PLpro);
  • polimerazny tests (RdRp);
  • spike research (ACE2-S1);
  • research of antiviral activity of future candidate on hamsters; pharmacokinetic researches (ADME, Invitro and invivo tests);
  • services in medico-chemical optimization.

Start of the platform for creation of medicines from a coronavirus

As reported in Himrar, since the beginning of a pandemic of COVID-19 by the end of July, 2020 the scientific research institute developed and held testing more than 10 potentially active antiviral medicinal candidates (among them — the medicine "Avifavir" put on the market). The company expanded anti-COVID the direction and started the platform for development of the innovation medicines.

Himrar suggests potential partners to use the platform and invites the international companies to cooperation in finding solutions for treatment of COVID-19.

Our development – the first-ever complex platform on search of small molecules will allow the international pharmaceutical community to find new approaches for creation of medicine for a new koronavirusny infection. We invite to cooperation of the international partners interested in formation of a payplayn of the innovation antiviral candidates — the CEO of Scientific Research Institute Himrar Irina Tyrnova said.[1]
