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IDV Visual Command Center

Developers: IDV Solutions
Last Release Date: 2014/04/07

Visual Command Center - Software of category of visualizers of corporate risks.


Purpose of software — to arrange the analysis and measures of counteraction to the security risks of different type relevant for the organizations of a different profile.

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The program aggregates the data arriving from different sources — web applications, e-mail, devices and sensors of the security systems, instruments of control automation by the enterprise, etc. Analyzing data and coordinating them in the general logic of management, a system automatically informs a managing link of the organization of emergence of risks of a certain type. The interface of the program provides means of the notification, convenient visualization, event filtering and request processing, promotes the fastest decision making on risk reduction or minimization of damage from emergency situations and incidents.

Processing of weather forecasts, mailings of the Ministry of national security concerning danger of cyber-terrorist attacks on networks and servers and also monitoring of social networks on in advance programmed key word and phrases, for example, "suicide bomber" or "bomb" is provided in the new version of software of Visual Command Center.

According to creators, the program reflects the principle of three "About" — to Designate, Estimate and Answer (in the original three "And" — Alert, Assess and Act). Characteristic - accounting of threats of different levels: both global, and local, private.

As a part of a product powerful functionality of notifications and a possibility of remote access to the system of users with the different rights. Integration into Microsoft SharePoint, database management systems is implemented. There is a possibility of a binding to the plan of premises of the organization of material values, people and processes.