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Walmart InHome (delivery service of products to the house)

Developers: Walmart
Date of the premiere of the system: June, 2019
Branches: Trade

2019: Announcement

At the beginning of June, 2019 Walmart announced start of service within which the staff of the company will deliver products directly in refrigerators of clients while those there is no house. Safety is ensured by use of breast cameras.

The new delivery service under the name Walmart InHome at the time of the announcement is tested, and full-scale start is planned for fall of 2019 and will cover more than one million clients in three cities: Kansas City (State of Missouri), Pittsburgh (State of Pennsylvania) and Vero Beach (State of Florida). This service will allow workers to get access to houses of clients using technology of smart locks which are controlled from the mobile phone. Employees will carry goods on cars under the name of Walmart and to carry breast cameras that clients could be sure of the security. Besides, couriers will be able to make return of goods from client name if it wishes that.

Walmart delivers products in refrigerators while there are no owners the house. Safety is ensured by breast cameras

The staff of Walmart who worked in the company not less than one year will be able to submit the application for participation in service InHome Delivery. The selected employees will be trained according to the special program where they will receive preparation on ethical and practical questions, for example, how in the best way to locate products in the refrigerator. Employees of the delivery service will wear a specialized uniform and to go by cars of Walmart company. Though their main role will consist in the product delivery, during idle time between trips they can be caused to other places.

The delivery service by online orders will work at the website InHome Delivery. The order will be issued by the Walmart online command, and then transferred to the employee of InHome Delivery. Clients who want to participate in a system to Walmart InHome delivery will have to purchase Walmart smart locks, the press secretary of the company reported, but refused to report details.[1]
