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GigaChat will help transform Sibur's business processes

Customers: Sibur Holding, PJSC

Moscow; Chemical industry

Product: Sberbank: GigaChat

Project date: 2024/05

2024: GigaChat Application Agreement

SIBUR, Sber and CST concluded an agreement on cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence, aimed at the joint development and implementation of practical cases of applying the large Sber language model GigaChat. Sberbank announced this on May 22, 2024. The document was signed by Andrey Belevtsev, Senior Vice President, Head of the Technological Development Unit of Sberbank, Vasily Nomokonov, Executive Director of SIBUR, and Dmitry Dyrmovsky, General Director of the CST Group of Companies.

SIBUR integrates AI- Sberbank technologies, creating the following solutions:

  • AI Assistant Diagnostic Engineer. With him, the engineer can conduct a dialogue about the cause of the equipment malfunction. The employee describes anomalies in the operation of the equipment in text form, and the trained AI assistant gives a relevant answer or formulates hypotheses about the reasons for the uncharacteristic behavior of the units, as well as possible options for troubleshooting.
  • AI advisor to optimize procurement of material and technical resources. Artificial intelligence allows you to move from static records of nomenclature items to parametric cards, thanks to which the system will select permissible analogues that have advantages in price, quality and availability.
  • AI assistant in R&D the direction of polymer modeling and creating materials with new properties. The goal is to predict the polymerization process and the properties of polymers, model formulations, additives, influence on the physical and mechanical properties of the material and finished products. At the same time, the number of laboratory experiments will decrease in favor of digital ones.
  • AI assistant financier. By aggregating company data, he can answer questions about the dynamics of key factors that affect margin income. The AI assistant helps you make data-based decisions, improves prediction accuracy, and increases profits by optimizing processes.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = said Andrey Belevtsev, Senior Vice President, Head of the Technological Development Unit of Sberbank.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = noted Vasily Nomokonov, board member - executive director, SIBUR.

Шаблон:Quote 'author = told Dmitry Dyrmovsky, CEO of the CST Group of Companies.