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The Leningrad Region selects 4 million rubles for creation of infrastructure of "the electronic government"

Customers: Administration of the Leningrad Region

Product: The standard solution for creation of a regional segment of infrastructure of "the electronic government" (RIEP)

Project date: 2010/03  - 2010/12

To the middle of December, 2010 in the Leningrad Region all service and technology infrastructure for implementation of the first stage of creation of infrastructure of "the electronic government" will be ready. About 4 million rubles will be spent for it from the budget of area.

The committee on telecommunications and informatization of the Leningrad Region starts development of the system project of creation of infrastructure of "the electronic government". As stated on the website of regional committee of state procurements, the committee announces competition on accomplishment of a complex of these works.

As it appears from the tender documentation, works should be performed in two stages. On the first it will be solved what events for creation of infrastructure of the electronic government can be held first of all. The speech goes about implementation of the first stage of the "electronic government" project so far.

At the second stage the data processing centers including will be created: storage systems, server hardware, local networks of data transmission, engineering equipment, corresponding software, regional register of the public and municipal services and also other structural elements of "electronic government".

It is planned that from the budget about 4 million rubles will be spent for these purposes, and all works will be finished by December 15, 2010.

Let's remind, before the power said that the first stage of development of technology of "the electronic government" in the Leningrad Region will be started by the end of 2010. It will be that residents of the area will be able to get acquainted with all information services remotely. When the system of providing the public and municipal services in electronic form to the population fully begins to work, it is not reported yet. At the federal level it is told about a deadline of end of this project — 2012.

The Leningrad Region created "the electronic government"

Opened for residents of the Leningrad Region at the end of August, 2010 access to state services on the Internet though it was supposed that innovations to touch citizens only by the end of the year.

On the website of the government of the Leningrad Region there was information on opening of the new electronic portal devoted to rendering public services.

Now all visited this website ( can obtain information on how where, where and in what time it is possible to receive services in social security, medicine, education, and also to consult concerning the property and land relations, construction and regulation of business activity and participation in target programs.

On the website the samples of documents and statements necessary for the appeal to proper bodies are provided. Besides residents of the Leningrad Region can learn a contact information of the officials interesting them and address specific specialists.

However, while in a starting type "the electronic government" has no on-line of communication with citizens and, there is no general reference information. And here on the general federal portal of the public and municipal services in addition to this information there is a grid of answers and questions, search functions which facilitate tasks and save time of citizens. So, without leaving the house, it is possible to send the electronic message or to file a complaint, for example, to Roszdravnadzor.

In St. Petersburg the reference portal exists about a year. It is remarkable that in addition to information part, at the website there is an interactive component. It is a so-called "electronic reception" in which after registration it is possible to register in acceptance in ZAGS or to submit the application for payment of a monthly allowance for the child. As explained in Committee of informatization and communication, the section given on-line works in the test mode until the edition of necessary normative legal documents which will allow executive authorities of St. Petersburg to make decisions on providing state services on the basis of electronic statements.

Recently the issue of rendering similar Internet services was discussed at a meeting of the Government of St. Petersburg where the actions plan on transition to providing the city by public authorities of public services in electronic form was approved.

According to the government according to the plan, by 2013 citizens will be given an opportunity to address for providing the majority of public services on the Internet. Transition to the new workflow system will be gradually performed, in several stages.

In Moscow the official information portal about rendering public services started at the beginning of August.