Customers: City clinic No. 91 St. Petersburg St. Petersburg; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: X-Com (X lump) Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructureProject date: 2019/04 - 2019/09
2019: Scaling of information communications system
On October 3, 2019 the company X-Com reported that it scaled information communications system state of budgetary institution health care "City clinic No. 91", the city servicing the Southwest of Krasnoselsky district. Within the project tens of jobs of administration and the treating personnel of organization are automated.
Application of the automated jobs (AJ) in clinic optimizes accomplishment of a number of routine tasks of specialists (maintaining clinical records of patients, filling of cards of prof survey, information search, prescription of medicines according to their register, meetings and consultations with colleagues, etc.). Also the automated workplace allows to lower non-core load of medical personnel and to increase service rate of patients.
Specialists of a project team X-Com изучили features of functioning of an information system of organization and its workflows. On the basis of data retrieveds recommendations with structure of an automated workplace of specialists of different profiles were developed and detailed specifications of the equipment are made.
For project implementation by production division X-Com были the computers which are precisely meeting the specific requirements of the software existing in an information system of clinic are manufactured. Data mapping is provided with large-format monitors of Iiyama of the ProLite series, the images providing high definition and qualitative color rendition. For work with paper documentation the most part of jobs is equipped with multi-function printers of HP LaserJet Pro. Internal and external communication of employees is provided with the wireless telephones of Alcatel integrated into a branch exchange. All equipment is integrated into an information system of clinic, balancing and commissioning and commissioning are performed.