Customers: GNP Seguros Product: Solar appScreener (before Solar inCode) Project date: 2018/11 - 2019/04
On May 16, 2019 the company Rostelecom-Solar, national provider technologies and services of cyber security, announced a successful completion of the project on implementation of the analyzer of security of applications Solar appScreener in one of the largest insurance companies Mexico GNP Seguros. Using Russian the analyzer the second in value insurer of Mexico will raise the security level mobile of user applications and also internal software.
GNP Seguros specializes in insurance of motor transport, the real estate, life and health of citizens and also corporate insurance. The history of the company contains 115 years, the enterprise is a part of one of the largest business conglomerates in Grupo Bal country. The net profit of insurance company for 2017 was more than 140 million dollarovssh.
By the nature of the activity GNP Seguros operates with huge arrays of confidential information of the clients, physical persons and legal entities. These are data of both bank cards, and accounts, different payment documents, information referred to category of medical secrecy, and other. All these data are subject to obligatory strict protection and are at the same time processed by both mobile, and internal applications of the insurer. In case of successful operation of vulnerabilities of the application the malefactor can get access to client data. In this case it is difficult to revaluate financial and reputation losses for the company. Daniil Chernov, head Solar appScreener of Rostelecom-Solar company
Vulnerability of applications turned into a serious problem: according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, more than 90% of successful cyber attacks are implemented using different gaps in applications. Having realized criticality of this type of threats for the business and having considered the different solutions presented at the market, GNP Seguros made a choice for benefit of Solar appScreener.
Using the analyzer Rostelecom-Solar the customer could build the automated process of safe software development. Among Solar appScreener mentioned by GNP Seguros of advantages there is an ability to integrate with trackers of tasks and a management system for code repositories and also existence of API for integration with management systems for vulnerabilities.
According to the report of Europol's European Cybercrime Center IOCTA 2018 published at the end of 2018, Mexico is the second country of Latin America after Brazil by the number of the cyber attacks which took place in 2018. It is obvious that the problem of information security support of the Mexican companies is particularly acute very much. Therefore we consider Mexico, Brazil and in general the Latin American region very perspective in terms of business development of the cybersecurity companies that is confirmed by the last researches of a number of the international analytical agencies. Ekaterina Semekhina, head of development of the region Latin America, Rostelecom-Solar