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"Group SEB Ukraine" completed process automation of marketing activities

Customers: Groups of SEB Ukraine (Groupe SEB Ukraine)

Kiev; Trade

Contractors: ECM Center
Product: Contentum ECM
На базе: Contentum BPM

Project date: 2018/02  - 2019/02


2019: Automation of the module "Marketing Activity"

On March 18, 2019 the Competence Center of ESM company announced carrying out the project on process automation of planning of marketing activities, their approval, accounting, documentary support of activities and also preparation and formation of the planned and unplanned reporting in group "Group SEB Ukraine".

The module "Marketing Activity" consists of the next stages:

  • "Creation of marketing activity".
  • "Approval of marketing activity".
  • "Change of the approved marketing activity".
  • "Canceling of the approved marketing activity".
  • "Introduction of actual data of marketing activity".
  • "Formation of the unplanned report" of the quarterly statement on marketing activities".
  • "Formation of the quarterly statement on marketing activities".

For the Customer it was important to organize transparent planning process, the organizations, approvals (taking into account costs), carrying out and control of results of marketing activities it agrees perspective marketing plan for a year. As within marketing activity a huge number of documents which require the processing, observance of the scheduled plan of payments, control of approval and signing of documents is born. Also the module provides control of processing of paper documents. The analytical shaping unit of analytics and the reporting became its huge plus. The project was implemented in 3 months using Scrum methodology.


Automation of the module "Contract management"

On May 30, 2018 company "ECM Center" announced automation of the module "Contract management" in Group SEB Ukraine company.

Under the terms of the client agreement GC "Center ECM (Ukraine)" performed to the Customer delivery of ECM Contentum and provided training of staff of the company in rates: "Basic systems capabilities", "Administration of a system". Training of all key users in work with the module "Contract management" is also complete.

Within the project works on implementation of several functional submodules were implemented: "Contract management", "Management of Contractual Documents", "Management of base of Partners". Also there was a control of terms, the amounts, stages of work with agreements / contractual documents and control of powers of attorney.

All complex of project works was complete in 2.5 months. As a result of implementation, according to the Customer, the fast and full-fledged result answering the objects set for the project was received.

Implementation of EDMS Contentum

On February 12, 2018 company "ECM Center" announced signing of the contract with the international holding Group SEB Ukraina LLC

To the customer the corporate system of electronic document management of Contentum will be implemented. In particular, works on automation of the business module "Contract management" and also personnel training are performed.

"The decision on system implementation of electronic document management as new incentive in business development, it was recognized as important in respect of automation of work of business processes in the company. Therefore at the end of 2017 the staff of information department of Group SEB Ukraine company began to investigate the market of automation systems of document flow actively. The important points shown by specialists to systems were: rich functionality, scalability, experience of employees of the supplier in carrying out high-quality and rapid implementation of a system. The final price of a system was an important factor also. And also, that a system was easily acquired by all categories of users having the different level of computer literacy. Contentum was clear to our employees already at the level of its visual presentation".

Dmitry Novokreshchenov, IT Manager of Groupe SEB Ukraine

Within the project of creation of an information system processes of interaction with Agreements, Contractual documents, Applications and also base of Partners will be automated. For implementation of the fast and qualitative project the joint project team chose PMBoK methodology the Best Practice method.

Specialists of the Company Group company "ECM Center" will train administrators and key users, Group SEB Ukraina LLC companies on the basis of which the implementation project will be developed will conduct a detailed research.

According to representatives of company "ECM Center" upon termination of the project the Customer will receive the following results:

  • Reduction of terms of preparation of Agreements and Contractual documents;
  • Increase in level of responsibility for work with Agreements and Contractual documents;
  • Formation, storage, control and management of Partners of uniform base;
  • Increase in control of executive discipline;
  • Registration, storage, search, control of agreement revisions and Contractual documents in uniform base;
  • Reduction of time expenditure on search of agreements and related documents.