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Gulliver Retail Distribution Center integrated with EGAIS

Customers: Gulliver Ulyanovsk

Ulyanovsk; Trade

Product: ConsID WMS (formerly Open Source HH.WMS OHE.WMS)

Project date: 2015/10  - 2020/08
Number of licenses: 287

2021: Total number of WMS ConsID licenses delivered - 287

According to ConsID, as of April 2021, the total number of licenses delivered for the ConsID WMS warehouse management system is 217 units.


Operation of distribution center with EGAIS

On October 21, 2019, ConsID announced that it had successfully completed a project to implement support for the work of the distribution center of the Ulyanovsk retail chain Gulliver with EGAIS. All operations with alcohol products are carried out automatically taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation.

EGAIS at the Gulliver distribution center is configured to pass-through control the movement of any alcohol on the bottling dates. The inspection begins with the putaway of the goods when the operator records in the WMS ConsID for each consignment note item the information about the manufacturer and the date of the product bottling. Using these parameters, the system automatically determines the A and B references containing the basic details of the batch. In the subsequent stages of the goods movement in the warehouse - the operations of movement, selection and shipment, the information is completely controlled by the system, excluding the need to re-enter the data. During shipment, the system automatically sends the details to the accounting system for the generation of accompanying documents for the shipped batch of products and transfers them to EGAIS.

Thus, the implementation of this solution simplifies the reporting process in EGAIS, ensures the accuracy of the data on the shipped products and eliminates errors in the selection of accompanying certificates A and B. The project was implemented without stopping the operation of the distribution center and failures in the supply of products to network stores.

Automate yard operations

As part of the project, the yard control operations of 50 gates were automated, including the following:

  • Opening/printing/closing gaps
  • registration of entry/parking/gate/receipt of documents/delivery of documents/registration of exit;
  • calculation of time windows;
  • Sending the expected time window for the flight to customers/suppliers via email
  • Send a general list to the transport department.

2018: Automation of the distribution center

On March 5, 2018, the company ConsID announced the introduction of a comprehensive solution based on a warehouse management system ConsID WMS at a distribution center with an area of ​ ​ 20,000 square meters of the Ulyanovsk supermarket chain. Gulliver WMS The Gulliver warehouse ConsID delivery volume is 125 licenses for collection terminals and 24 data licenses for the web application.

Gulliver Network Distribution Center

Project prerequisites

The dynamic growth of the company, the need to ensure high speed and accuracy of orders, as well as lower logistics costs, required improved approaches in the field of warehouse logistics management. According to the results of a pre-design survey of the company's distribution center located near Ulyanovsk, experts ConsID identified low efficiency of warehouse processes. Gulliver decided to replace the used box warehouse management system with an adaptable WMS ConsID system, which made it possible to carry out comprehensive automation of all storage areas (groceries, frozen products, fruits and vegetables, alcohol) taking into account the specific requirements for storing and processing goods in each zone.

Project results

Within the framework of the project, for each of the warehouse areas, product processing algorithms have been developed that closely interact with each other and allow optimal use of address space and minimize costs. An important feature of the project is the implementation of a specialized process of selecting orders with the automatic distribution of tasks for the formation of cargo places for container volumes of different types (thermal boxes, roller boxes, pallets, stands), which allows you to accurately calculate the filling capacity of vehicles delivering orders to chain stores. When collecting orders of ConsID WMS automatically traces the underfilled cargo places and forms tasks for their merge. In the order consolidation area, the created cargo locations are controlled by weight, and the orders are checked only if the control weight is different from the settlement weight. This approach allows you to minimize the movement of personnel in the warehouse, increase the speed of assembly of orders, reduce the time for checking/repacking orders and achieve almost 100% filling of vehicles.

The system allows you to work equally efficiently with both unit goods with a fixed weight (grocery zone) and weight goods (frozen and fruit and vegetable zones). Pick-by-line selection technology (two-stage crossdocking) is implemented at the sourcing warehouse for fruit and vegetable products. Workplaces in this area are equipped with touch screens and integrated with electronic scales. The system displays the required quantity of weight products for the volume of shipments, the warehouse worker weighs and fixes using the touch screen of the selected article. According to special algorithms, the assembled cargo places are moved to the specified shipping area. Orders are grouped into routes based on order type and priority and shipping time.

The project integrated WMS ConsID with the corporate information system. Operations with alcohol products are carried out taking into account the requirements of Russian legislation. All strong alcohol is checked for compliance with excise stamps, and information about the shipment of goods is automatically transferred to the EGAIS.

"As a result of the introduction of WMS ConsID and changing approaches to stimulate the work of warehouse personnel, the productivity of the selection processes increased by almost 50%, the load of transport units - by 20%."

'Daniil Sikachina, Director of Logistics of Gulliver JSC '

2016: Transfer of Gulliver Bacalea Warehouse to OHE.WMS

On June 7, 2016, the project of transferring the Gulliver Bakalei warehouse to work under the management of the OHE.WMS v4.2 system (25 workplaces) was completed. Project duration is 3 months.

The peculiarity of the project is the development of specialized business processes of selection, verification, shipping for the specifics of commodity flow management for the distribution center of the product network. Special attention was also paid to supporting work with weight products of different types: with a fixed (average) weight (work in packaging types) and unfexed (work directly with weight products).

Implementation of a specialized selection process with automatic distribution of tasks by type of packaging on delivery (thermal boxes, rollboxes, pallets, stands) and their volume allows you to increase the speed of assembly of orders on the one hand, on the other hand, reduce the time for checking/repackaging orders (Check of created load centers is performed only for orders that have variances of control weight at weighing and calculation weight) and optimize the filling of vehicles by counting the most optimal formation of cargo at the selection.

As a result of the project, it is planned:

  • achieve improved system performance at selection,
  • reduce the time to check and repackage the order in the consolidation area as much as possible
  • optimize the filling of cargo places of orders according to the types of delivery containers and, accordingly, optimize the loading of transport.
  • reduce the time and labor intensity of consolidation of cargo places collected in different areas of the warehouse and moved to the specified gates for loading orders for delivery to the store

By September 1, 2017, the number of OHE.WMS licenses used increased from 45 to 60.