"Project practice" developed a project management methodology for Helicopters of Russia holding
Customers: Helicopters of Russia
Contractors: Project practice Product: PM Foresight (PPMPlus)Project date: 2018/12 - 2019/05
On June 7, 2019 it became known that Proektnaya praktika Group developed and implemented a project management methodology for Helicopters of Russia holding based on domestic standards on project management. This development was executed within implementation of "The strategy of development for the integrated structure of the Russian helicopter engineering until 2025" and included in addition to development of a project management methodology and project portfolios, training of participants of project activity and working off of methodology of management of project activity at real projects.
The developed Corporate system of project management allowed to reach a number of positive effects for holding:
- projects of strategy of holding for the next several years are defined,
- accuracy of planning and efficiency of control of projects is increased
- the transparency of the implemented projects for the Management is provided
- became possible more quickly to make the management decisions directed to prevention of the predicted deviations on projects and project portfolios
- coordination of all project participants became more effective
- uniform understanding by all participants of project activity of the purposes, results and contents of projects and project portfolios is organized
- labor costs, temporary and finance costs on formation of plans and the reporting under projects and project portfolios of Holding are reduced.