Customers: KAMAZ Naberezhnye Chelny; Mechanical and Instrument Engineering Project date: 2019/06
Number of licenses: 174
On July 3, 2019 the KAMAZ company announced the beginning of installation of terminals for functioning of the MES system – the software product allowing to increase several times operational efficiency, having excluded paper document flow.
The MES system will visually change an appearance of the main assembly conveyor – it will become even more modern, light and transparent. Also all system of work on finishing production of "KAMAZ" will become more transparent.
Each machine assembler before assembly should on paper carrier – to find transactions which it should execute in the pick list, and after installation of a part or a node in the check card of assembly of the car to deliver a special stamp. It takes time. After system implementation of MES everything will become simpler. Paper carriers will be replaced by the terminal. To the worker will be to scan the label with a barcode on a part enough, and then to confirm accomplishment of transaction on the touch screen. If the necessary part is installed, a system will answer "OK". Errors are inadmissible, the pipeline will stop – a system will not allow to transfer further defective products, explained Ruslan Kustovsky, the deputy chief of workshop of assembly of cars by a technical part
In the direction of travel the production MES operational system will help to understand to the worker and about tens of modifications of the car. On the line sensors (RFID tags) which report a system what car goes on the assembly conveyor are already installed, and in case of need will prompt to the worker what part from available needs to be selected and how to set. In addition to electronic technical process which is developed in the development block, it is going to include a photo and video files with instructions.
Except terminals and racks which will equip each of 174 jobs of installation of parts on the pipeline the tool with a feedback will appear. Nut wrenches will automatically adapt to that moment of tightening which is necessary when fixing a certain node on specific model and to send a signal of the done transaction.
Intelligent systems will also equip refueling stations and test stands. In the automatic mode there will be also a transfer of orders for necessary spare parts and component parts, their accounting and write-off. The pipeline work progress through mobile phones tablet computers will also be monitored by masters, chiefs of workshops and quality inspectors.
The main task of MES – to provide break in assembly of the heavy truck of a premium class of KAMAZ-54901. For this purpose electronic technical processes adapt, and customer services precisely should know from what nodes and parts the product is built. He will become the pilot on whom all scheme of interaction of participants of process will be fulfilled. After its action it will be extended to assembly of cars of generation of K4 and K3.
Until the end of summer at the plant it is going to complete preparatory work, in September start of MES in trial operation is planned. After the main assembly conveyor No. 2 a system will be implemented in workshop of assembly and a complete set of cars, on an assembly section of cabins of the last generation, on the main assembly conveyor No. 1 and in workshop of subassembly. Further queue of modular production will come.