Customers: Krasnoyarsk edge clinical hospital Krasnoyarsk; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: Angioline Product: Angioline: Okklyuder of an ear of the left auricleProject date: 2019/01 - 2019/06
On July 16, 2019 it became known that in Edge Clinical Hospital of Krasnoyarsk the Russia's first implantations to patients of the device allowing to prevent strokes are carried out: an okklyuder of an ear of the left auricle which release there began the Angioline company. Operations on installation of an okklyuder were executed to two patients having the permanent form of an atrial fibrillation in combination with high risk of bleeding. Earlier in Russia all such heart operations were performed using analogs, foreign, more expensive and therefore less available to the Russian medical institutions. Now thanks to use of the Russian equipment conditions are created in order that such implantations were executed more often.
The manager of department of rentgenendovaskulyarny methods of diagnostics and treatment of Edge Clinical Hospital professor Alexey Protopopov and the leading specialist of department X-ray surgeon Ksenia Kochkina operated patients. At implantation there were representatives of Angioline LLC: development engineers and medical director Oleg Volkov. Both transactions took place successfully.
Implantation of an okklyuder is appointed to patients with cardiovascular diseases which can have a blood clot in an ear of the left auricle that strongly increases risk of a stroke and other tromboembolichesky complications. Long acceptance of anticoagulants (the medicines interfering formation of blood clots) is contraindicated to much of such patients on medical indicators, and transaction becomes the only alternative. At the same time the okklyuzirovaniye is low-invasive technology thanks to what intervention in an organism of the patient comes down to the minimum level and becomes the least traumatic.
We are glad that one more technically difficult product of Angioline company entered the market and will allow to execute hi-tech operations which were performed still in our country considerably less than it is necessary for patients, in connection with the high cost of foreign analogs. Success of the taken place procedures of implantation once again proves the high potential of engineers and production of our company. We hope to continue cooperation with specialists of Edge Clinical Hospital of Krasnoyarsk and to make use of their experience accumulated by them in the different directions of intervention cardiology in our developments, noted Oleg Volkov, the medical director of Angioline LLC