Customers: Obrino substation (PS) of 35/10 kV No. 9 Contractors: RTSoft Product: Smart-SPRECONProject date: 2017/10 - 2018/03
On April 27, 2018 the RTSoft company announced project completion of reconstruction of PS of 35/10 kV No. 9 of Obrino for power supply of industrial platforms No. 3, 4 of the industrial park in Pikalyovo of the Leningrad Region.
Specialists of RTSoft performed supply of equipment of the automated process control system (APCS) and telemechanics (TM) and performed commissioning.
The APCS software and hardware complex implemented on PS No. 9 Obrino is constructed based on PTK Smart-SPRECON of own development RTSoft.
Implementation of an APCS is called:
- increase reliability of operation of the equipment;
- reduce risks of severe accidents;
- provide effective production control in normal, transient and preemergency operation;
- increase reliability and system effectiveness of management of PS;
- raise extent of automation of operational management;
- prepare for transition to an unattended operation mode of PS;
- increase information equipment of operational personnel in the course of maintaining the normal mode, at emergence and the analysis of abnormal events;
- improve working conditions of operational personnel;
- reduce costs for operational maintenance of the equipment and its management systems;
- increase efficiency of information exchange with higher levels – a dispatcher station of Tikhvin ES and CCN of PJSC Lenenergo.